1994-1995 Yearbook

Watching and studying c lassic films led students to a ... New Appreciation Srudenrs whose idea of an exc iting Friday nig ht w as bing ing o n popcorn and soda in fr o nt of the big screen found their o utl e t in Fi lm Studies . Dr. Ken Hammes, professor of Engli sh and sponsor for F ilm Studies. teaches a c lass about film every o the r y ar. Severa l aspec ts of film covered in his c lass w e re a lso discussed in the c lub . ··w e foc used on the spec ia l things tha t film do s tha t o the r ar t forms don't do. w e a lso ta lk d about how film and lit e ra ture are c lose ly a ffili a ted . Primarily, what we look d a t is how films show, rath r than te ll, the s tory ." Cra ig Hanson. a senior Eng lish major, was pres ident of Film Studies. Hanson 's m a in duty was to take sugges ti ons from sponsors and m embe rs and choose the movi es ro watch every o ther Fr iday nig ht. Senior psychology major Christy Adcox apprec ia ted the background informa tion prov id d about th e films they w a tc h ed . "Typ ica ll y, Cra ig or the sponsors p res nted info rma ti on about the d irec tors. the se tting, the ac tors or ac tresses or tri v ia l facts abou t the film." sh e sa id . Screenwr it e r Don Umphr y from Southern Me thodis t Unive rsit y in Da ll as spoke to th e c lub Dec . I about the work of a screenwrit e r and the best way to purs ue tha t ca reer . The organi za ti on a lso had an Acad my Awards party in the spring to watch the Awa rds, and to compe te in a contest in predi c ting the winners . - Georgia Ch oa te "" \'l' h a t I enj oyed most <1 1)0111 til e c l111J it se lf was the o µpor111ni1 y it gave for p eople to ge t 1ogc1lwr a mt see a film on a large screen a ncl talk about it ,"" Cra ig Hanson , presicl c nt. French Club - Firs1 How: Jimmy Brooks. Anu/Jd/u Huiz . Nd< /disr · s omorri/ !U . 1\uc/m Beur<I . 1\nno Jones . Amy \\ 'ebrin~) . ./WJU I lcn<lrix. ,\/Ure C/1i/dress . S1·con<I How: I Ir . \\ 'in/rc<I \\ 'ri(}/J/ (Sponso r) . /Wy Lizono. CW/Jlyn Tsirgio1is. 1\ s/1/ey .Jrnws. To<l<I 11 '0 //c'. C:onnw H<1fl!/. C/Jr is 1iw1 Coon . /'/10 10 IJ!J .Juso n Hw l. 1111e rio r Des ign Clui.J - Firs/ How: Dr. Ellen Daniel (sponsor). Becky Corroll . Sunny McGee. Aimee I lu ll . 1\nctreu I 'oner. Keri ,\lcLeoct . Louro Tucker . Second How: Jennifer Fulk . Lisa Fie/cl . .June Cwncron. Gin~;er (;ee . Dr. Foye l>o run (sp o nsor). /Wc/Jd I teineke. .Joy Coner. P/Jo10 f)y Joson Bun. I ' r c 11 c /l C I ll /J fr I ll I e r i o r [) e s i O 11 C I ll /) 143 oroo 11i zo 1i o11s