1994-1995 Yearbook

"Our cl1aptcr of r\lpl1a Epsilon Rho rea lly made a pusll to incwasc our involvemen t in all areas:· Forrest Doddington. .'\lpl1a Epsilon Rim president. A lpha Epsilon Rho provides members with direction and... Professional Insight As a professional honor society for about 30 radio and t I vision majors. AERho provided many opportunities to gain professional experi ence. Sharon King, vice president in charg of chapter activities. said the graduation of some of th organization's I aders and th e acquisition of n ew equipment changed the d epa rtment. "I think it's exc iting. and w e'll have a good year . A lot of things are chang ing. but I think it'll work for us, " she said . A "take-ov.er week nd" was one of AERho's activities that offered practical experience. In order to raise money for conventions, memb rs took over a loca l radio station whe re, two weeks pr ior to the event they had sold ads to businesses. The money raised from this event helped to s nd membe rs to conventions whe re th y ga ined experi ence and knowl edge in the ir major area of study. Another area that enhanced student involvem ent was tours of loca l te lev ision stat ions. Occasionally led by Harding graduates, AERho m mbers toured stations such as Channel 4 and Channel 7 in Littl e Roc k . He re. they were given a "b hind the seen s" vi ew of production techniques . The chance to compe te on a national level cam e every year in the form of a competition in which AERho chapte rs from d i fferent campuses pitted the ir skills against acl1 otl1er by putt ing toge the r audio, video, script. news. commerc ials, public service announ m ents . ent rtainmen t and dramatic productions. The AERho chapter at Harding has brought home awards every year . ' 'As a professional broadcasting society, we want to take a lead in the program and be e ffec tive," Forrest Doddington. president. said. - Stacey Haywood Alpha Epsilon Rho (broadcasting honor socie1y)-Firs1 Row: Bill Corn 11/Jcrs. /\ llu cwwy. Tamaro Phillips. Shuron King. Came 1 'ayne. KimlJCr/y /\s/1/Jy . Seconc/ How: Dr. Stfi ie Frye (sponsor) . AllunSnycier. Dol'e Donnelly. ,'.·oton Atkins. Forws1 Oociciino1on. vr. ,\,like Jomes (sponsor). /'/1010 l>y Joson Bun. Amer ican Clloral Directors - First How: H<'th Spurlock. 1\lin<lo Hugo/es. Kumi S/1ow.s. S<'C<>11rf Hrnu: Hyon L3itikofer. /\mi ,\/l'rri11. Jcssicu I'd/. C/1ri.s1i1w Tucker . T/1ir<l l?ow: K\}111 Bmtt •n . Jimmy Brooks. /Jr . Cliff c;1111us (sponsor ). /'/1010 l>!J Joson Bun --------1 O r g a 11 i z u 1 i o 11 s J 36 A I µ /1 u E p s i I o 11 H fl o [., 1\ in e r i c o n c /1 o r u I n i r e c r o r s