Cafeteria Changes Students find changes in the cafeteria easier for healthy eating and more conuenient for busy schedules. The cafe teria took on a healthier look and a new name , Aramark, with its recent face-lift. A long with the fresh ly painted green toned walls and the new purple and green carpet, th food lines r ce ived the ir own spruc ing-up. ot only did the food lines change , but a whol e new dimension was add d for student conv nience. The change most appreciated by the students was the addition of Meal Express. "This was created for the 350-plus students who are in a hurry," Anniece Ga l s , Aramark food servi ces director , said. "There was an increasing numb r of student with jobs or classes who found it difficult to take time out for lunch or dinner." Meal Express had a smaller selection, but there w ere hot ntrees, salad, sandwich s , dess rt and fruit from whi ch the students fixed the ir own m eals. Gates said the idea had gone over well, b tter than they had thought. "It's convenient to throw your I.D. on the counter and ge t what ver you want. The food is not greasy and there are healthy choices. You could walk out with an apple if you wanted ," Judie O'Farr II , junior , said . Another addition 10 tl1e cafe t ria was the n w Pizza by the Slice . And , whil e not the healthiest meal , it d id have its good points . "It's not totally homemade, but it's the next best thing ," Gates said. Aramark made the ir own toppings and sauces and added them to a froz n crust whi ch was baked right on the line. In keeping w ith the health theme, a new veg tabl e line was added up front , giving students a choice of e ight v ege tabl sin the front line as well as in the back serving line . new wok line was installed to give students healthier choices , according to Gates. Students cooked their own food like they want ed it , choosing from a varie ty of vegetabl es and sauces. In th past it had taken a lot of labor on their part, Gates said , and it was difficult to ge t the food just right. Junior Karin Springer said , 'The new wok line is great . You can make your food as healthy as you w ant it. Also, it g ives you a good feeling of having prepared your own food ." The cafeteria also added a Neico broiler whi ch produced a flame-broil ed product right on the line so ev eryone could see the food b e ing prepared . Gat s wanted the stud nts to see that the meat w as not sitt ing in fat. The Ne ico broil r was on a new line called "Southern Accents :· wl1i ch served southern-style chick n , cornbread and b eans . In an e ffort to keep the students informed of the nutritional content of their food , Aramark displayed cards with nutritional information. "Th is le ts the health-consc ious students know what they are eating," Gat es said. Together , the new face-lift , convenience and hea lthier choices provided a more njoyable cafeteria dining experi ence for Harding students. Jake /Jo lt - Naslwil le. Tenn . A lu n c 1-fom•cr - c:1rnrles1on. s.c . To dd I lo pkillS - NasllLl<l, N .H . Kaurin /-/ os ier - Co\'e. ore . - Lois Voyles Ru 011 I loword - wes1 ~ 1 onroe. Lil . \\t l1ee/ er l-l o u iurcl - Bar1le11. Tenn Srepl1e/l Hoxie - CIO\'iS . N .M . Bruon I lurfk ins - Ba11Je1w lcl. ~ 1 0 . Paul I lt w lmer - r\r\'ac!a . Co lo . Ro l JC' rt /-l uff - Haskell . Texas R e /J ('CCU / /l/ f} - BC:'<l\'erton. Ore R l)Wl / lt11 ll - Independence . ~lo . Jamie I lunw r - Knox, ·ille . Tenn Sh ouno /-lu111 er - Springlie1cl. ~l o /Vtori u I /urtort e - Gua1enrnl11 Ci1~-. Guc11e111<1l11 Von I IU1c l1erson - M illon. Fin . Kim/Jerll) lrel c111 ( I - Li 11le Hock. Nk L a uro lru •in - ~ 1 ernpll1s . Tenn . Fr es h Ill (' ll 1 1 7 P e o /> I e