1994-1995 Yearbook

Dr. one/ Mrs . Oauid Burks ancl Dr. oncl Mrs. ll'ilr t\larrin lisren ro a sruclenr~c; comments ar rl1e Burks· home Hil>le srudy . Burks ofren hoc/ sruclenrs in his home duri119 rlw school year. Pharo by Jason Burr . /Jr . Joe Pryor and Or. Clif Ganus Jr. join rheir reammares as I /Ording:Sfirsrfoorball ream ispresenreclar 11omeco1ning . Ganus l1as parriciµarecl in many aspects of 11arcli119 life since his clays as a sruclen1. Pl1oro by Jason Burr . David B. Burks Presiacnt Clifton L. Ganus , Jr . Cllancell or !-__------------------------------------------------------ - ------- Presi<lc111 [-. C h ance ll or Aca<lemics 8