1994-1995 Yearbook

Freshman Interests Freshmen sch edule actiuities and express f eelings en countered during their first y ear at Harding. Freshman c lass o ffi c rs and S.A. rep resentati ves p lanned special ways fo r c lass memb rs to be involved in camp us life and reac ted to their initial experiences at Hard ing. Accepting the chall nge of Searcy's Mayor David Evans, freshm n parti c ipated in the c ity's Ho liday of Lights celebration by decorating the new ped s tri an mall with Chris tmas lights. "Be ing part o f th Ho liday o f Lights w as a good opp o rtunity to serve the community and make th campus mo re attractive during th holidays ason ," Jason Fulm r , S.A. c lass representa ti ve . sa id. Pres ident Joel Boone led the c lass in serv ice to the commun ity . "I w ant to see o ur c lass have a re lati onship with the community during the four or five years w e are at Hard ing ," he said. Fulmer added , "Searcy's an incredible community and w want to jump in and help any w ay we can ." The c lass w ork d w ith the Angel Tree Project , pooling the ir money to buy g ifts for children at Chris tmas . The freshmen also lit up campus w ith enthus iasm for the ir new schoo l. w om en's S. A. rep resenta ti ve , Be tty Davis , who grew up in a small church where she was p retty much th youth g roup, sa id , "It's great to be able to spend time w ith Chris ti ans my age ." As a group , the class o fficers w ere en thused about chape l, til e uni vers ity 's em p has is o n mi ss ions . th e s choo l 's Chr is ti an nv ironment and the ir caring teachers . "Chape l means a lo t to m e, " Fulm er sa id. "Somebody has to work to make it what it is ." Davis especiall y liked the s ing ing and the emphasis on m issions . "Harding p laces emphasis on going out - someone is always going o ut somewhere . I like that," she said . "I have found th Chri s tian environment at Hard ing to help me make fr i nds tha t I know w ill las t a life tim e." said Ange la Randolph , s cre tary-treasurer. V ice President Ryan Flin t felt that Hard ing's "specialness" came from "a common ground shared by students in God. " The group w ere parti cularl y p leased w ith their teachers . They sa id they d id no t rea li ze they would b e so easy to approach and so w illing to he lp . " o t only do w e receive a good educa ti on , but the teachers g ive themselves to help us in a caring w ay," Randolp h said. Fulmer added, "Th y g ive us the bes t env ironment fo r learning. They have our bes t interes ts at heart ." - Lo is Voyles A ndrew Bo ker - Darctanelle . Mk . Chris Baker - Shreveport. La . Na than Baker - Cu llman . A la . Jason Ball - union Clly . Ca l if. Reg ino Burl>c r - Ba1esville . Ark . Ka therine Borncs - Ma1111cws . N .c . Jill Bortl l - Dublin . Ohio /\1i c l1ell' Bort o lo rt o - Cen 1en·ill e. 0 11 10 B rent Bu tes - carro l l1on. Texas Cindy Ba ty - Newpon . r\ rk . Lawren ce Buu u l 1 - s1a1rord . va. Jorni e Bouo hmw1 - Calhoun . La . To cld Baxley - Naslwil le. i \ rk. Pou l B eam o n - Bowie. Mel. Audra Bcorc1 - F1. Smi1 h . Ark . Chris Beorci en - Sea rcy. r\rk. A ciam Be/.Jus - Eden Prairie. Minn . Russell Beckham - Bossier Ci 1y. La . Kris ten Been e - Qu i1 man. A rk Andrea Bel ch - Wi ns 1o n -Salem. .c. Ha llie Bell - Paduca l1. Ky. 1\lelloclie B en o it - Sulp l1ur . La . Jessica Sue /3 ellllwll - Maumelle . 1\rk . Lindo Koy Benrlwll - Maumelle . Ark . F r c s 11 ll1 e n 109 P eo pl e