1993-1994 Yearbook

SOPHOMORES make their mark on camp us Th y weren't the "new kid on the block' anymore, but neither were they anywher near graduation. They were ophomore with one y ar of coll ge experience under th ir belt and were determined to build on it. Being a ophomore meant many thing - the last ' upp rclassmer}" to try to regi ter for cla es· th last group to under tand that pledge week did not ha e to be a "grudge match· " the cla , next most likely to enior , to return with a renewed commitment to getting thing in p r pective. "La t years experiences h lped me to b stronger and not to take o many thing for granted," sophomore Kim Burch said. Li a Fauth, a ophomore biology major said coming to Harding brought her lo er to God. "The opportuniti s are right here for you. Harding i not a perfect hool, but it ha a spiritual emphasis state chool just don't have. " A ophomore neared the end of the pring seme ter and their fir t day of coll ge became a more distant memory, maturity and wi dom began to envelop them and to ready them for the days ah ad a "real uppercla men." - Marquis Jackson Jeremy Paden dives into the watermelon seedspitting contest. ophomores took advantage of their experience and became inuolued in campu life. Photo by Michael Bass. Kelley Adam - Memph;,, D na Aile - v a1parabo, r. i y Albrigh[ - \X' axha" , :"\C Da id Al xander - Pomona . A Mandy Alexander - Harriwn, AR [aci Allen - SeJ rq " R Ka[hryn Alli on - Kimilili, Kenya Tammy Ahom - Pangburn , AR Danilo Amoreny - Ma nagua, ' icaragu:i John Amund on - \X' khita, KS