JUNIORS raise money for fire victims After wildfire wept the southm California area in early ovember, the junior cla decided, for th ir fall ervice project, to assist tho e tudent from Pepperdine niver ity who e home were detroyed. Th fire storms wreaked havoc wherever the winds led them, au ing million of dollar in dam-. age . Many home of P pperdine faculty and tudents were affected by this di aster. Although the fire didn't reach any of the buildings in the heart of the campu , they did scar approximately 100 acre of chool property. A a precaution, tudents and faculty were evacuated from all campu housing until the fire ub ided. "The last thing I remember before falling asl ep [that night]," said stud nt Ja on Presley, "is somebody whi pering that the winds had hifted away from the chool.' Michael Brook Harding' junior la pre ident, aid that helping tho e who e home were consumed b the blaze was "just our way of h lping our sister university. We aw a need and did our best to be of rvice. ' Approximately 500 was ent for their assi tance. - cott Baine Fire swept through southem California in ovember, leaving behind a barren waste. The fire, which was believed to be set by an arsonist during the drought , caused erious damage to Pepperdine University property. Anita Adams - earcy, AR Jenny Adamson - Rosebud. AR Christy Adcox - Jackwn, TN Rachel Alexander - earcy, AR Robin Alexander - Vi ian, LA con Alexander - ea rcy. AR Marco Alvarado - Alajuelita. Co ra Rica Amy Hawkins Amy -Texarkana , TX Tere a An1y - Ontario, Canada Jina nderson - Minneapolis, M Junio~·s 58 ~------:- Classes