1993-1994 Yearbook

Students with a DCB find it easy to say. . . Completing registration forms meant answering one question after another. Will you have a car on campus? Do you want a campus mail box? How much DCB do you want? That third question really threw some students off. What in the world was a DCB? A declining cash balance was money deposited at the begin- "PUT IT ON THE CARD" ning of the semester, which was accessible through student I.D. cards and used to purchase items in the College Inn and Etc. , the campus gift shop. Students welcomed the advantages a DCB had to offer, such as the opportunity to get away from the everyday cafeteria meals once in a while . Freshman Michele Darnell f chose to reap her benefits in the gift shop . "I chose way too much money on my DCB plan, so now I go to the gift shop every other week, pick out a few things that I like, and put them on my DCB." It was true that many students enjoyed the DCB plan. In fact , many enjoyed it too much. "Three weeks after we got here, my DCB was gone. I had spent $121! Then I had to mooch off my friends to buy me food ," freshman Angie Casch said. Her roommate, Mandy Winter said, "She always tried to get me to buy her things with mine after hers ran out! " Using other people 's DCB's was a clever way to save one 's own money, but it wasn't amusing when that happened without the owner 's permission. Freshman Tamika Chatmon related an incident in which someone had secretly used her DCB. "I went in to buy a candy bar and, instead of 50 cents, my balance would be $10 less! " Having a DCB helped students learn to manage their money. Student who chose a low DCB amount could not offer to pay for anyone else. "It was hard either way, " said Winter. "Either you got much more money than you could possibly use , or you had to choose an amount that wouldn't last the whole semester. " - Carrie Woodruff David Watson hands over his J.D. to he scanned at the College Inn . DCBproved usefulfor buying snacks between classes. Photo byJason Bu rt. Yvonne Stephney - Caney. KS. Co111111un icalion Disord<.'rs. ju Go Ju . Al pha hi, Ame rican Studies. Dean 's List. Student Speech & Hearing Associa tion . Steve Sterling - Sea rer. AR Acco11n ti11g Dean·,, Li"t. Tana tewart - Kenncu , MO. h1<.'111e111ary hd11catio11. Chi Alpha Rho. Alpha Chi , Dea n's List, JOY. Kappa Del ta Pi . TEA H, Phi Eta Sigma. Lisa Stiles - La homa , OK. Enf!,lish. Regina. England Campaign. Dean 's Li st, Pe tit j ea n staff, Sigma Tau Delta , Student Impact, Phi Eta Sigma . Matt Swaim - Hayden, ID. A 11 . Mike Swilley - High Springs, FL. Business Ma1wf!.e111e111. Chi Sigma Alpha. SAM, Uni ver<iry Singers. Tom Tandy - York . E. Biocbem isl ry. Sharon Tankersley - Madison. TN. Psychology. Seniors Classes 55