1993-1994 Yearbook

Senior art shows provide a way for art majors to show their. CREATIVE GENIUS Clas es are valuable and textbooks are important, but xperience is a superior teaching tool. For art major at Harding, the xperience of putting tog ther an exhibit i the cap tone of the college experience. Every year, senior art majors elect the week th ywill di play th ir artwork for viewing at t ns Art Gallery. Th tu dent choo e a title for hi how and decid which piec will be di played. Painting , culpture, graphic designs potte1y-a wide ariery of art is displayed and offered for ale by the arti t. ually, the exhibit week begin with a reception given by the artist for his or her do est friends and family. Thi event officially opens the exhibit. After one week of di play and e aluation by fellow art majors and faculry, the exhibit ends and the artist is as igned a grade. .Becau e grading art i uch a ubjecti e concept many arti t Kim iVleadows and Heath Evans enjoy a en ior art exhibit in the teuens A rt Galle1y. These exhibits provided senior art majors a chance to showca e their talent-. Photo by]ason Burt. Kevin Goldman - earcy, AR. Professio11nl nles. find it difficult to accept the evaluation of their work. Kelly McBride anarteducationgraduate student aid, I don·t create art for other people to ee. I create for my elf and I'm very self-critical. B having an exhibit, I learned that it' OK if people do or don·t like my art. " In reference to the art curJeff Good on -jack on,T . Public Reu1/ions. Titans, Alpha Ep ilon Rho, Bison raff. Delt:i Gamma Rho beau . Dean ' ~ List, lntramurab, Peti t jean staff. Rutledge Gordon - Irving, TX. .lla11ageme111. Pacty Graul - 'earcy, AR. Elementary &/11calio1t. Marcu Grayson - Kansas City. K.' . Nadio!Television . Ujima (President , VP), Intercollegiate Athletics (Footb.dl), KHCA staff. Ii ·y Green - 1iami, FL. Sursing Cindy Griffich - \YI. Memphi~ . AR. Eleme11 ta1y Education. Delta GJmma Rho , lntramurals, Kappa Delta Pi , TEACH. Rup rt Guy - Punra Gorda. Belize. Acco1111li11g. Lambda ' igrna. Alpha Chi, Dean·~ List. Intramural ~ . Ujima, Phi Eta Sigma , Oul>landing.Junior Accounting Award , .ll.ional Dean',, List , Collegiate hola!>lic All-American Award . 42 eniors Classes riculum at Harding, McBride said, "When I first got here, I didn't want to take ba ic design or drawing and be so structured. But when I at down to draw something recently, I discovered I couldn t have done it without the basic art skills I was required to develop first. " It takes most students years to produce the works for their exhibits, but when they have finished the how reflects both the efforts and personality of the artist. Amy Parish, a senior art major, said, "The show was more about me than it was about my classwork. " - Mavenee Mays