1993-1994 Yearbook

Kara Che ter - Cambridge. OH. Ps)'lhology. cott Chi m - Se-.ircy, AR. Biology. Tim Chri man - Decatur, IL. Music. Andy Chunn - Maumelle, AR. Chemist1y Julie Clapp - Greentown, rx i\'11rsi11g. Ka Re Ta , Alpha Chi, American Studies, Campaigns (Italy, Medical) , College Republicans, Dean· List. I ISNA, JOY, Sigma Theta Tau. University ingers, Who's \\ho. Craig Clark - Tyler, TX. !>pecial Education. Pi Kappa Epsilon, Spring Break Campaigns. Dean·s List. lntramurals, TEACH, VISA, • EC <Trea5urerl. • Kara Clark - Salina. KS. Elemen/Clry Educa1io11 . GATA. Alpha Chi. Amcric-an ~tudies, Australian Campaign, Alpha Tau queen, oncert Choir, Dean·s List, Kappa Delta Pi, Resident Assistant , TEACH, Who's Who. Roger Clayton - 'ashville, TN. lfistory. Li -a Clea er - Hopkinwille. KY. E1eme111my Ed11cr11ion AJlen Clements - Montgomery, AL. Music Ed11ca1ion. Delta Chi Delta, Alpha Chi, American Swdie~, Campaigns (Germany, • "itzerland), Concert Choir. Dean '~ List , Dramatics (Jl~y Fair Lady. Fiddler on the Roof) . Ti ha Coggin - Athens. AL. Special/ Ele111e/l.la1y J;"d11ca1io11 . Zeta Rho. TNT queen, Christma~ Committee. Student Impact , SCEC, \X 'ho·~ \X'ho. Caren Condiff - Denton. TX. A11 . Bubba Cook - Idabel , OK. Biblical Languages. Chi Sigma Alpha . Alpha hi, Ro1113nian Campaign, Tri-. igma Delta beau. Dean· List, ' tudent lmp:tct. Timothy Club, University Chorus, Who's \\ 'ho. Christy Coonts - Harri~on. AR. Accou11ting/Manageme111. RcginJ ( \'fl .Treasurer) , Alpha Chi, American Srudies, Business Team, England Campaign, Campus ~lini -try , Dean's List. Delta Mu Delta , Student Impact, Honors Program, Harding Hosts, Who's Who. Carriann Cooper - Ne~conser. NY. Kinesiotom•. GATA. Camp.iigns ( Ru~sia . Hungary), Alpha Tau queen, Dean 's Lisr, lntr.imurals. Resident - istant. Student Impact , Winter Festival Queen Auendant. Kelly Cooper - Olive l:lranch, M •. peech Pat/Jolop,y. Ko Jo Kai (VP). Cheerleader, Student . peech and llearing Association , Winter Fe'u"al Queen Attendant , ·cEC. ' enior Clas, ecretary, Who's Who. Craig Copeland - Memphis. TN. Pbysics. Jane Cox - Redland5, CA. ocial \\?Ork. • igma Phi Mu, Alpha Chi, lpha Delta Mu, Campaigns orrheast, Dean 's List, Social Work Club. Tenm1akers, Timothy Club, University Singers. Michael Cox - e3rC}'. AR. Graphic Design. Tim Cox - O.ikton. VA. Cl'ajJbic Design. Mark Crafton -Jacksonville. AR. Kinesiology. Titan ·, Ju Go Ju heau. lntercollegi.ite Athletics. Christine Crea y -Jack ·on, D.'. A11 Ed11catio11. Tri-Sigma Delt.a, Campu5 Players, Concert Choir, Dramatics, I !UF, Student lmpJCt, l.Jnivcrsity Choru,. Julio Cn1z - Panama Ciry. Panama. Accounting. Pi Kappa Ep'>ilon. lntramurab. lntcrcollegiate Athletics, Pi Gamma Psi, Spanish Club. Mark Cullum - Lexington. KY. Ki11esioloJ?,y/Spa11ish . Knights < thletic Director), Dean's List, lmramurals. Resident Assistant. Seniors 38~----- Classes