Sports editorJamieMa11in comments onpbotographer Jason Burt's printing abilities. Laugbter was a key element in maintaining sanity in the Petitjean office. Photo by Nathan Ironside. Melissa Forrest, LeAnnPierce, Kerri Hartman andKay Gowen celebrate the end ~!school po11raits. 7his three-day event drew record numbers to get their pictures made. Photo by Holland Studios. Lovella Long ojjostenspresents the cover proofto j enny Tyree, Laura Rice, Stacie Evans, Tracy Evan and cot! Baine during a visit to the Jostens plant in Topeka, Kan . A tour of the plant gaue staffmembers a behind-the-scenes look at how the yearbook is printed and bound. Photo by Dean Bau•com. Petit jean Closing ----~~317