1993-1994 Yearbook

Any worthwhile tasl~ requires... TEAMWORK When I accepted the position of editor, I never realized what an earthshatteringevent it wouldbe. I've learnedsomuch from this experience and have grown in more ways than I can even imagine. In closing, I give all the glory to God, and to youmy beloved staff, the credit for this bool~, with this prayer: "But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our LordJesus Christ to bring you eternal life." - Jude 20-21. Thanks for being there when I needed you. Organizations editor Kerri Hartman deL1ises a s)•stemfor her section i11 theyearhook. Making sense qf stacks qfi11formal ion u •as one qf I he biggest cbal!e11gesfac i11g sectioll editors . Photo byJason Burt. Petit jean Closing 3 1 6~----- Editor Scott Baine takes adLrn1tage qf being in the nation~' capital. Baine attended a yearbook tl'orkshop in \Vashingto11. D.C. Photo/~) ' Michael Bass.