1993-1994 Yearbook

Kevin Coldmanyanks theflagfro111 hisoppo11e11t ~>heft. Flagfootbal/ u •as one ofthe i1t lram11ralparticipa11ts/acoritesports. Pboto hy.fasoll Burt. Jim Murgatroyd ~)'es the hall, alle111pti11g to knock it 0111 qf the pork. Sqfthafl teams tl'ere formed duri11p, hot/.? the fall a11d ::,pri11g semesters. Photo hyJaso11 Burt. ]elf]ones sends the ball sailing deep into centetfielcl. Jntramuralsgave students a chance to play on a new team every season . Photo by]ason Burt. Men 's Intramurals -=--~~~~~~ 271 Sports