1993-1994 Yearbook

A Displav of Good SportsmanshiD Shinlrig Examples Set at Games The men's intramural program's motto, "A sport for every man and every man in a sport," accurately describes the spirit of this program. Men enroll in team, doubles or singles activities in football, softball, volleyball, basketball, horseshoes, cross-country run, table tennis , swimming, racquetball , tennis , and a pursuit race - a "sport for eve1y man. " According to Dr. Mike Pruitt, program director, it could be said that the second half of the motto, "every man in a sport, " is also true because a high percentage of students are involved in intramural athletics. The fierce competition involved in team intramurals is tempered with " the Christian spirit of fairness in the game," according to Pruitt. This proves beneficial to participants as they experience a high level of competition while realizing that victo1y is not the ultimate goal. "Students reap many rewards through involvement in intramurals. They have the opportunity for socialization, wholesome physical activity, athletic competition, and the development of a lifetime interest in sports, " Pruitt said. "The entire program is dedicated to the idea that one who participates shou ld be a better Christian for having done so. " "Harding's intramural program is one of the best," said Brian Hoover, winner of the 1992 Intran1ural Spirit award. "The participation level is higher than at many other colleges, which is due to the superiority of the program. " Intramural sports provided a keener sense of competition compared to club sports. Intramural footba ll player Doug Glen said, "The athletic ability seems higher than in club competition. You get more respect from your teammates for your contribution to the team effort. " Glen added that "Intramurals are fun because you make different friends since you are placed on teams with people you don 't already know. Also, you play with a new team eve1y season. " Intramural games provided Harding students with the opportunity to participate in friendly competition. Students not only took pride in their performances, but in their ability to exhibit good sportsmanship. Above all , students learned that a Christian attitude should be the most important factor in the sports arena. - Jamie Martin ( Stude:nts relfp ' many rewards tb11ough involvement in intramurals. Tbe entireprogram is dedicated to the idea that one who partic~ates should be a better Christian for having done so. )) A cro1l'dgathersto 1uatch i11tramuraUoothall. !11t ra m11ra/ .~po rt s gaue stude nts m o re opp ortunities to socialize. Photo hy Jason Burt . Men 's Intramurals 270 ~~~~~~­ Sports - Dr. Mike Pruitt, director of men 's intramurals Flag.footba ll p layers f ight.for p ossession of the ha ll . !11tra 111ural participants could eam a j acket u •ith highpoint totals. Photo by Michael Bass.