Amy Cal'ender hreaks/iw11 lhe pack,allempling lo m11 for a !011chdou •11. The u•omen formed .Jlag /oolhall leams during the /all semes/er. Photo hy ,J fichael Bass. Tracy EL •ans prepares to hurl the hallpast the p late. n1e ll '0 /11 eJ/ competed ll'h ile.formi JI[!, 11ell'.frie11dships. Photo by Wc~ )'11e Atkinson. AngieLane takes a swing at the ball. Parttcipc;Jnts in the intramural program sharpened thei1· dtfiiletic skills. Photo by Jason.Burt. Women's Intramurals 268~-----:;:-- Sports