1993-1994 Yearbook

...... Ignacio Ruiz extends.for another serve. Ruiz was the Bisons ' top player this season. Photo by Michael Bass. Ruben Gonzalez keeps hisfeet moving as he waits patient~y for a return volley. Gonzalez joined three other teammates on the AllAIC squad this year. Photo by Michael Bass. Men's Tennis - Front: Dominguez, Andrade; Temtemie, Gonzalez; W?rren, Rader, Doyle. ·Back: Kelly, Rivas , McWherter, Bravo, Ascol'Dereta;.Machaen, Ruiz, Leonard, Elliott. Photo by JeffMontgomery. *All-STARS Leoncio Dominquez, All-AIC am Ruben Gonzalez, Alf~AIC m Diego Perez, All-AIC Team "Ignacio Ruiz, All-A.IC Team Coach David Elliott, AIC Coach of the Year Men's Tennis 248 ~----- Sports