Kappa Sigma Kappa. 1st rou•: David Ell ion, Eric Jenkins, Dillon Porter.Justin Morrison. Eric Turner, Dale Gainey, Chad Walker , Pete Novotny, Ashley Rainwater, April Booth , Robert Burright, Keith Smith. 2nd row: Hayden Wyatt , Kevin Scroggs, Todd Bittle, Randy Cole.James Luther, Tom Marenic, Adam Edger, Jerre Glover. 3rd roll'.· Eric Jones, Anthony Hall. Brian Pannell , Man Dixon , Scott Thornton, Jeremy Duncan , Matt Little, Brent Durham, David Roberson . 4th rou •: Randy Uthe, Jeff Huskey, Eric Bursay. Blake Madlock, Brian Leonard, Brent Dyer.Josh Hull , Jay 0\Yiglit , Ke\ ·in Deaton , Brent Pauerson. 5th rou·: Dustin Madden. John Harris, Craig Smith, Craig Gustafson , Chance Davis, Chris Laws, Klark Trickey , Craig Adams,_Jeff Svymbersky. 6tb rou•.· Hank Bryan , Brandon Keown, Tom Curren, Jeremy Kenc.lonre. 7tb row: Jason Wiles , Shelton Dickson. Andrew Shade! , Ryan Shephard . 8th rou •: Kenyon Fletcher. Paxton Dickson, John Hunter, Mitch Mathews, Matt Smith , Scarr Carruth, Bill Hughan, Ke\'in Grum. Chris Lareau, Jeremy Bishop, Bri :m D . Parker. Photo by Jason Bun. A FOCUS ON FAMILY As any family nurtures its members , Kappa Sigma Kappa centered their attention this year on one of their own. When freshman member Eric Jenkins learned that a brain tumor had returned, the club decided to raise money to assist with his medical expenses. During the first week in December, four consecutive projects focused on the effort. A collection at Wednesday's Peak of the Week, a special music festival on Thursday, admission to the Friday night movie and a workday for faculty on Saturday helped to fund their newly-established "Friends of Eric Jenkins Foundation. " The week's events collected $3,400 for the project. Kappa Sigma Kappa worked with the Student Activities Council to have all proceeds from the December 3 showing of "Ernest Saves Christmas" added to the Jenkins Foundation fund . The work day for faculty found Kappa Sigma Kappa guys raking leaves, cleaning garages and other tasks. Club President Jerre Glover said, ''Eric was a freshman pledge and we hadn't known him long, but our brotherhood was strong and we had a strong desire to do this for him. " Continued donations brought the total raised to $5,000 by Christmas break. Kappa Sigma Kappa continued taking donations ' i for the Jenkins fund and contributed leftover club dues to the cause they so strongly supported. - Alla Casey '~ .. our brotherhood was strong and we had a strong desire to do this for him." Freshmen Landon Collard and Rane~)' Cole strutt their stuff during pledge week. Many clubs required new members to dress up during this week. Photo byJason Burt. Kappa Sigma Kappa --=---=----=-~~----1~ 211 Social Clubs