SERVING ALL GENERATIONS This year Ju Go Ju took an afternoon during the holiday season to spend with elderly residents of Searcy's Leisure Lodge. Ju Go Ju supplied goodies , gifts and glad tidings. They sang Christmas carols to usher in the holiday spirit. . "It makes you feel good to help someone. Some of these people just sit here day after day and this one trip could mean the world to them," senior Jennifer Land said. Freshman Angelee Whitlow said, ''I think that it is great that we took the time to go and share the season with people who may not have had anyone else to share it with. " The project 's emphasis was not simply to give gifts but to show a Christian spirit and to serve God by serving others. Ju Go Ju also participated in a second service project. The Pleasant Valley Church Of Christ in Little Rock had 11 children who were in need. The club purchased gifts to surprise the children and the church. Most gifts were necessities. Some children received toys , but most received shoes and clothes. Ju Go Ju gave a few children a few small things that made a large impact. "I feel that it was just a good thing to do to make a difference in a little kid's life this season,'' Amy Chunn said. Ju Go Ju served the community this year through service to the old and the young. Members had an opponunity to become closer as a club in the process. - Tamika Chatmon ''It makes you feel good to help someone. " Stacey Moore, Melissa Rankey and Trina Kinder strike a pose on Sil~J ' Day. }11 Go}u pledges ll'ereeasi~V recogniz ed hy theirpu1ple at/ire and enthusiastic cheers. Photo by Nathan Ironside. Ju Go Ju. i sl rou •: I lo ll y !\ icho ls . Elise Ramsey, Chari ce Turner . Stephanie Lucas. Mitzi McCallum, Becky Ca nter. Amy C 11·ender , Wende Sa vage. Julie DeWood y, Stephanie 1 lammin . !\ iki Moore, Jennifer ,'.1oore. 211d rou •: Terry Truehart . Tessa I-Iedgecorth , Shanna Lumpkins, Dawn Ca rr. Erin Thomaso n, Toria Touchton . Andria Sisson . .J enny Reed , Amy Machen. Angie Humes. Heather Robertson. 3 rd rou •: Renee Von \'ogt. Charity Swain . Y\'onne Stephney, Angelee \X 'hirl ow . Karen Bittl e. .J ohnna Burnett , April Chan - d ler . Tamika Chatmon. Julia 13iggert. Avriel Lacy, Sarah Ware. Aki 1\legee , Tennyson Kohl. Crystal l\ lusticchi , Kelli Wade. 41/J rou •: Andrea Smith , DeAnna Smith, Kathi Purdom. Kim Reed , Arn y Simmons, Tisha Marrin , Wendi Hughes, Laura White, Kri sry Jones. Lina Owens. 5lh roll': Sharon Powell , Kimberl y Lambert , Ami ee Boyerre. Mark Crafton ,Jerre Glm ·er . 61h r oll ': Stacey Moore. Catherine Weber , Rachel Hunclley, Stacie Holland.Jessi ca Nelson, Shelley Roberts. Anna Pettit , Christy 13anks. James Banks. 7lh ro ll ': Robin Mullins. Les lie Shel ton . 8lh row : Anita Stone. Freedom Goguen . Tri na Kinder. Amy Chunn , Kara Frith . .\ilelissa Rankey. j oy Park , Teresa Garner. Cry!'>ta l McMahon. Crystal Di xon. Photo b y Jason 13urt. Ju Go Ju 210 ~~~~-'--~- Social Clubs