Galaxy. lstrow: Chris Ham, Jennie Overman, Terry Ramos , Tracy Harvey, Marcos Marin , Roy Lizano, Danilo Amoretty. 2nd row: Shannon Simmons , Jason Cravy, Greg Simmons, Brad Smith , Bob Higbee, Jackie Stewart. 3rd row: Tom Gaskins , Todd Patten, H.obert Wicker, Paul Pursell. 4th row: Barrett Lewis, Alan Pursell, Keri Cottrill , Luis Gomez. 5th row~· Jaime Bermudez, Jonathan Himes , Geoff Malone , Shawn Griffith , Pablo Ro ldan , Duane Barron. Phoro by Jason Burt. A NEED FOR EXAMPLES This year, Galaxy initiated its own service project, drawing upon club members' special talents. Several times during the semester, groups of members would gather to visit an elementary school in orth Little Rock to work with students. The idea originated when a teacher at the elementary school , who dates a member of the club , discovered that several of her third-grade students came from single-parent families. So club members visited the school during the day, and played with them during P.E. or recess. All activities were confined to the school grounds. "We provided good male role models ," member Shannon Simmons said. He stressed that many of the children did not have fathers and seemed to truly enjoy playing and spending time with these young men. President Paul Pursell said, "This is something that we like to do to benefit people. " He explained that , in the past , the club did not spend a lot of time on service projects and it was hard to get members involved. With this project, however, the entire club was active with the children. He felt that the project benefited the club and the kids they came into contact with. Involvement with these children gave Galaxy members something productive to do during their free time , and also showed the children good examples of what Christian service and attitude is all about. - Lisa Stiles "This is something that we like to do to benefit people. " Jeremy Paden relaxes at SugarloafMountain. Club members enjoyed many activities together besides official club functions. Photo by Keri Cottrill. Galaxy 208~----,-----,-----: Social Clubs