DeltaGamma Rho. l s/ row: TraciMetzger, Susa n Billingsley, Amy Nesbirt , Kare n Rineha rt , Angie Crone , Ke nna Tipto n, Ja na White, Chris ti Young , Valerie Watrous ,Hea the rTroutwine , Rache l Ri chey, Katherine Wright , We ndy Nicko ls. 2nd row· LeAnn Morrow , Stacey Vaughn , Jacque Apple ton , Tressa Cole, Je nnife rMcGrath , Carol Ca rte r, Donna Wallace, Amy Fe rguson, Liz Ca nter,Jennie Simmons , Andrea Porte r. 3 rd row: Sheny Ho llis, Sharon King, Ste phanie Ho llcroft , Rho nda Boudra, Je nn Bledsoe, She lia He niy , Amy Christy, De na Harre ll , Judy Peacock , Cindy Griffith . 4th row: Ste pha ni e Johnson , Jea nne Castleberry, Denise Ortba ls, Lo ri Yarbrough , Lisa Yaw, Kristi Ba1wick , Te resa Toland , Ho ll ey Martin , Tom Ed Simmons , Ca ra Rana. 5 th row: Rache l Lowe , Pam Shea rer, Lisa Field , Tiffany Russell , Paul a Orr, Heather Ash , Te resa Spa rks , Shannon Hood , Eri ca DeGraw, Ayanna Evans. 6th row: Chanda Caffey, Miche lle Hammond , Kriste n Holde rness , Marcy Winte rs, Regina Huddleston , Danie lle Diffine , Kathy Hodges , TraciMcMennamy, Julie Walling, Rob Ke rnodl e , Lo ri He ndri cks , Amanda Krape. Photo by Jason Burt. A PROJECT FOR CHILDREN The idea for Delta Gamma Rho 's service project developed when some members worked with children during an inner-city Houston campaign during the summer. Susan Billingsley said, "We really fell in love with the children in Houston, so when we came back this semester, we started going to church with the inner-city children in Little Rock. " Club members helped the children to have a day without the pressures of everyday life. They spent the day at The Discovery Zone, after which they enjoyed lunch together. Their main goal was to show them the benefits of working for the Lord. "This service project helped the girls realize that there is life after Harding, and that we need to be sensitive to people from all walks of life, " said President Amy Ferguson. Billingsley said, "We have all been blessed tremendously with material things. This helps us see that some people aren't so blessed and that we have a chance to make a difference in their lives ." Through their work, the girls of Delta Gamma Rho were able to teach the inner-city children about the Lord and show them the benefits of working in His church. In helping care for these children, the girls felt a sense of responsibility and increased their own faith and strength. - Traci Busby "This helps us see that some people aren't so blessed and that we have a chance to make a difference in their lives." Lori Hendricks and Suzanne Dalke p erform club cheers during pledge week . The week provided students an opportunity to Let down their guards and have fun . Photo by Jason Burt . Delta Gamma Rho - - - -------F3- 207 Social Clubs