A CHANCE TO REMEMBER Delta Chi Delta's five-year anniversary called for a Homecoming reunion - a first for this men's social club. The reunion was held at the home of campus minister Dwight (and Barby) Smith, one of the club 's sponsors . The members showed pictures and other memorabilia from this and previous years . Delta Chi Delta was chartered in April, 1989. Founding members saw a need for another men's club with a different focus. Johnny Scott, the only charter member still at Harding, said they "wanted to start a club that would make an impression on campus , a club that would focus on serving and encouraging one another in their Christian values ," a focus he says they have kept. The club had 72 active members this year, moving them from small to medium club sports and providing greater opportunity to be involved in campus activities, service projects and Spring Sing. President Don Neal said, "I think , through all the changes, that our focus hasn 't changed. The things that we hold dear, such as unity, have remained the same. " Delta Chi Delta 's motto, Psalms 133: 1, says "How good it is when brothers live together in unity. " This first reunion showed how strong that unity actually is . - Lisa Stiles "I think, through all the changes, that ourfocus hasn't changed.'' Cort'.y Brown directs queen Drea Howard as she cuts her birthday cake. Clubs sometimes stood inforfamily on special holidays and birthdays. Photo by Michael Bass. Delta Chi Delta. 1st row: Chris Wagley , Ka rla Mcl\ary, Jess ica Pe ll , Mavenee Mays , Don Nea l, Kaci 13olls. Danny Dobson , Dawn Livingston, Stacie Evans , Christine Tucker, William]. Ma rkart. 2nd row: Scott Baker , L. Scott Ruthe rford , Matt Schrei ner, Chadd Moore , Ashley Tucker , Stephen Williams, Danny Freeman , Matt Smith. 3 rd Row: Tim Westbrook , Jeff Gammel, Rick Bla ir, Tim Chrisman, Rusty Maynard, Lewis Short, Ben Johnson. 4th row: ]. Allyn Walker, Todd Denoyer, Danny Mathews , Lee Lange.Ion , Sean N. Hudkins , Adam Lett , Ben Jones , Dwight Smith. 5th row: Ben Howe , Duane Jones , Matt Lawyer , Todd Hoelzle, John Scott , John Hodges, Greg Ca rroll , All en Clements. 6th row: Shane Prince , Ge rry Millette, Kyle Davis, Thomas]. Wright I, Damon K. Bingman, Matt Washington , Colby L. Ca nte rbury. 7th row: Kyle Brice. Matt Lee, Cam Emerick , Jason M. Thomas , Teddy A. Warren , Phil Freeman , Brent Coffey, Dana Maddox. 8th row: Jason Moriarty, Na than Hogue, Ian McCa ll um, Josh McGough , Jeff Hardin , Johnathan Vest , Dan Feeny, Tony Tare , Jim Horton. Photo by Jason Burt. Delta Chi Delta 206~~~~----=-so-c~i~al~C~l~ub-s