1993-1994 Yearbook

Alpha Tau. lst row: Seth Wade , Shawn Wilson, Tricia McCullum, Robin Austin , Kara Clark, Matt Huddleston, Neal Daugherty, Derek Morgan. 2nd Row: Don Morgan , Brian Mills, Stephen Mantle , Robert Henderson, Nathan Begay, Julius Palton , Michael McDonald , Steve Allen. 3rd row: Jess Robertson , Daniel Ve lasco, Ne il Ford , Jason Rinehart , Bryan Basham, Scott Wright , Jerrod Williams. Rocky Horton . Photo by Michael Bass. A DINNER IN COSTUME For the first time , Alpha Tau Epsilon celebrated Halloween together by gathering at memberJess Robertson's house for a costume party. The guys all brought dates and ate dinner together, and afte1wards they played games. The costumes were humorous and memorable . "Jess works at a bowling alley, so he dressed up like a funny bowler, " said President Matt Huddleston. "My date and I dressed like the Blues Brothers. " The games were fun as well. The members said they especially enjoyed charades - guys against the girls. "It 's not just every day that you play charades," said Dennis O 'Malley, a junior from orman, Okla "We thought up complicated titles that no one had ever heard of. They were really hard to act out." Another game they liked was a word game. For a certain length of time , no one was allowed to say a particular word, for example "that. " Each member was given a clothespin, which was taken away if he said the forbidden word. This proved to be tricky. "Some words just slip in without you noticing," said Huddleston. Alpha Tau Epsilon had a fun gathering and grew closer in the process. "It was an effort to keep our club close and together ," O 'Malley said. - Laura Rice "It was an effort to keep our club close and together." Dennis 0 'Malley and Julius Patton chat outside the Student Center. Inside or outside the Student Center, club membersJou nd time to enjoy each others ' company. Photo byJason Burt.