1993-1994 Yearbook

KHCA: Campus radi o station. 1st row: Allison Dean, Julie Anderson , Melanie Whitehurst, Jennifer James. 2nd row: Scott Lacy, Dr . Lou Butterf ield (sponsor ), Todd Stewa rt . Ma rcus Grayson . Photo by Jason Burt . The Bison: Student newspaper. 1st row: Mrs. Kay Gow en (adviser), Duane Barron . 2nd row: Kenny Hightower , Jeff Goodson , Russell Mil ler, Jason Burt. Photo by Jason Burt. PetitJean: Student yea rbook . 1st row: Kerri Hartman , Scott Baine, Jenny Tyree, Meli ssa Fo rrest. 2nd row: Laura Ri ce, Mrs. Kay Gow en (adviser), LeAnn Pierce, Jami e Martin , Tracy Eva ns, Jason Burt. Photo by Jason Burt. ((Tbe editorials provided students with a forum. I wan ted to spark some discussion. )) - Duane Barron , Bison Edito r Communications -----------r==-- 191 Organizatio ns