1993-1994 Yearbook

Social Work Club. 1st row: Lo ri Blake, Shanno n Farl ey, Steven Wright. Eli zabe rh He ffingto n , Hea rhe r Heffingron , Te resa Ga rner. 2nd row: Tracy Ha1vey, Jennife r Wolfe, Rho nda Bo udra, Pam Cleme nts (sponsor), She rry Genrry, Jane Cox. 3rd row: Derek Hampton , Lo uise Pace (sponsor), J\lela nie O liver, Ke ith Nelson , Donny Wright. Pho to by Jason Burt. Arkansas Home Economics Association. 1st row: Me lissa Hoove r, Ma rcie '.:i u ll ivan , Rache l Hale, Jan Milne r (s ponsor), Da ri a Mill er, Juli e Crocke tt. 2nd row: Angel Pu1yea r, Chri sty Robe rts, Cami e Pari sley, Teresa Morrow, Rho nda Frazie r. 3 rd row: Kri sri Barwick, Lisa Fie ld , Ke lly Smith , Dana Howa rd , Sharen Crocke rr (s po nsor), Me lody M. Martin . Pha ro by Jason Burt. Dietetics Club. Amanda Flowe rs, Diadra McGrego r, Miche ll e Wimer, Shanno n Cau l. Pho to by Jason Burt. ((There are opportunities within the Arkansas Home Economics Association to network with professionals in the field ofhome economics. )) - Christy Ro be rts, AHEA pres ident Home Ee, Social Work S Organizatio ns --£33- 18