1993-1994 Yearbook

Levon Carterprepares hamburgers.for students at the SAM mixer. Along with the mixer. SAM sp onsored several events throughout the year. Photo by Michael Bass. Society for the Advancement of Management. l s / row : Diana Ung , Angela Qui roa , ata li a Va lle , Silvi o Bu lve r, Mari a V. Benana, Li liana Sa nchez, Franca Aragon , Darvin Knight. 2nd row. Jim We lch , Carrie Ga rcia, Ca rri e Drumhe ll e r, Lea nne Benshoof, Wendy Ma ri cio , Damon R. Heas ley. 3 rd row: Levon Ca rte r (sponsor), Giova nni Sa lamanca , Bea tr iz Arivizu, Jose Luis Machaen , Jay Hawkins, Mike Swill ey , Damon K. Bingman . Pho to by Jason Burt. Delta Mu Delta: Bus iness hono r socie ty. 1st row: j ohn Burnside, Dan ie l Dobson , Ru zica Dakovi c, Di ana Ung, Angela Qui roa , Ka ren Fe lzie n, Christy ]. Coonts. 2nd row: David Tu cke r (s ponsor), ]. All yn Wa lke r, Dav id P. Smith . Ang ie Baske tt , Annette Prio r, Rebecca Olson , Vicki Jackson , Ma tt Dav is. 3 rd row: lli chard Loh , Bre nt Mall ory, Robby Lawyer, Joseph Fo rd, Chee Wee Chang, Joseph Wi ll iams, Scott Fie ld . Pho to by Jason Burt. (V elta Mu Delta members have the added benefit of employers being notified of their achievements in the School ofBusiness. " - Dr. David Tucke r, Dea n o f the School o f Business Business 181 Organizations