1993-1994 Yearbook

The Good ews singers, a group sponsored by the College of Bible and Religion. were among many who used their singing ability as an outreach to others. These eight students spread the "Good ews·· as they tra, ·eled from church to church. "Good ews 'Good News' Spreads gave me the opportunity to use a the Gospel gift God has given me to spread the message of the gospels," Micah ~arkhurst, a sophomore biology ma jor, said. Beth Spurlock, a sophomore music education major, said , "Thi is my ministry. When I see people respond, it is very rewarding.·· Although the ministry was rewarding , each member had to sacrifice time in preparation . Good News practiced three times a week. Those practices prepared them for the two or more performances each month. "This yea r we had intense practices and an even more inten e performance sched ul e. It's a hard sched ule, but it is not impossible," Spurlock sa id. The group traveled in Arkansas and surrounding states. The goal of the Good ews singers was to reach out to all age groups. "Our goal this year was to sing songs which appealed more to the older generation while incorporating things for the young ,·· Spurlock sa id. According to Good ews director Steve Kell , the singers worked in conjunction with the admissions office at church youth rallies . Through the efforts and voices of Good ews, people heard the word of God. "I've been dreaming about doing something like this all my life, so I tried out for the singers and made it ," purlock said. The group discovered their talents and used them to b nefit everyone. - Julie Ander on j oh n Seo// and Beth p urlock Leann up before their concertforthe Board o/Tmstees. Good i\'eu ·s tral'eled e:xte11 sil'e~1 · to ~pread the gospel. Photo hyjaso!l Burt . Harding University Chorus . i sl rou•: Stephanie McCracken , Andy Norris , Renita Atk inson. Charl es Adams, Rena McCarty, Rick Warpula , Shannon Adams , Ryan Bitikofer, Jess ica Clark, Marcus Reese, Kenna Tipton, Da,·id Beyers, Amy esh itt, Tony Warters, Amanda Burnside, Marc Wolfe, Anita Adams. 2nd rou•: Jason Killins. Mary Bitar, Pete Goode, Anna Clements, Jonathan Camp. Amy Mell or, Ryan Beard, Tammy Clark. Ri ck Casr leman. Ca rmen Mohr, athan Hogue. Michel l e Browne, Andy Robinson, Jamie Hall , Todd Wolfe, Laura Richardson, Matthew Morningstar. 3 rd row: Alison Holland . Brian Baker. Johnna Duke, Alan Moreland , Yvette Ellis, David Reeves. Vick ie Richardson, Brya n Frazier, Greta Casey. Jonathan Senn , Kelly Ingram. John Hodges, Laura Casey, Rya n Lundy, Lori Blake, Ken Young, Teresa Amy. 4th row: .Jennifer Bledsoe, Michael Lugo, Nancy Bellcock, Mark Hogan, Kelly Denny, Sean Hudkins, Tasha Gustafson , Jerry Morgan, Christa McCarty, Alan Nesbitt, Brandy Pa yne, Roel Bradl ey, Laura Jewell, Victor McCracken, .Jenni Smith . Jim Raines, Audra Young. 5th row: Brian Lewis, Misty 1cDowell, Tim Gilmer, Christina Webber , Bobby Broughton. Melanie Te'\\'SOm, Kevin Stewart, Kathrine Wright. Ken Collins. Amy Arny. Todd Ca ll , Li sa Plank , Justin Lee, Melody San Juan . James McDuffie, Christ ie Davis, Mitch Coston. Photo by Jeff Montgome1y. Music 170 -==>r------ Organizations