1993-1994 Yearbook

Department Enhances State Education Program The School of Education at Harding University offers a diversified program designed ro meet hoth the career and vocational objectives of its students, as w ll as the academic needs of the community at large. On the undergraduate level, programs are offered which lead to degrees in 21 different fields of emphasi . Graduate program lead to degrees in elementary education, elementa1y admini tration, secondary administration, reading and secondary education. Dr. Bobby Coker, dean of the school, pointed to technological advancements and curriculum review as the focus of the department this year. '·We instituted a major curriculum study to review the degree requirements of our elementa1y education program.·· Coker said. "In addition to that, " ·e have been exploring ways in which we can make use of new ad\·ancements, like sa tellite technology , in order to upgrade and upplement the department 's offerings. What we have be n aiming for," Coker continued, "is a way in which we can make use of all the new instructional t chnology that has become available in the last few years." "Dr. Tony Finley was also deeply involved with higher education training this year," Coker said. In January, Finley directed an on-campus program called "Science Crusade.·· in which 80 science teachers from around the state gathered for a week of intensive training, designed to help upgrade the leve l of scienc ducation in Arkansas. Finl y said the program was part of a 35 million grant, which is being spent over the next five years in an effort to improve the quality of math and science instruction in the state. - Russell Miller BartJlcFarland helps a st11de11t 11hile 11·orki11g as a st11de111 teacher at Ahlf.f1111ior 1-f(v,h chool in earcy. St 11dent teacbi11g u •as required q/educa1ion majors a ndgm •e 11seji 1 /classroom e.\pen·ence. Photo byjason Bllrl. Dr. \'(lyattjones helps ll'ilh afil'e-daypho11atbon . .fo11es faitb.ful~J' assisted the 1111il'ersity i11 ji111dmisi11g campa(v,ns thro 11gho111 the years. Photo /~J ' .llichael Bass. Education 1 38~~~~~-c--~ Academics Dr.Jan J1orga11 assists special ed11catio11 major. Charlot le.fo11es. in planning ber.'>jJri11g semesterschedule. Foc11lly 111e111/Je1:..,· reg11lar/1• od1 •1'sed s/11de11tsas Ibey plC11111ed lbeir courses <!f'st11d)'. Photo l~J '. fC1so11 Bu rt .