1993-1994 Yearbook

Dr. Neale P1yor, Dr. fJauid Burks, Dr. A11 th11r Shearin and Monie Cox serl'e as apanel durilic1!, a chapel skit. Bihle.fac11l1y u >ere us11al(J1 a111ong those who assisted students aro1111d campus. Photo{~) ' Michael Bass. Minor Prophets Serve As Lectureship Thetne More than 500 registered guests descended on the campus for the four-day annual lectureship September 26-29. Many were Harding alumni, coming to rekindle the spark of old memories. Others were newcomers , discovering the campus for the first time. Whatever their status, the visitors quickly took on a new role, as beneficiaries to the collective wisdom and insight of the lectureship 's 60-plus speakers. The speakers, like their audience, were diverse , hailing from around the country. But they carried a common banner and labored for a common cause, that of spiritual illumination, as explored in the theme , "Today Hear His Voice: The Minor Prophets Speak." Dr. Don Shackelford, lectureship director, said, "I was excited about this particular theme. Sometimes I think the minor prophets are overlooked, but I believe their messages to be very relevant to Christians today. " The lectures catered to everyone. Many of the daily classes offered topics of interest to all Christians. However, a few were designed specifically for the men , women and youth. Every evening, large crowds gathered in the Benson Auditorium for the keynote lectures . These theme-oriented lessons , directly related to today's problems , served as finales to the day's activities. "I thought the lectures were directly applicable to the current situations in America. I found them both uplifting and enriching, " said senior Rob Kernodle of Harrison, Ark. jimmy Allenprouides solt1tions.for manyo.ftoda_J ' s problems. Allen was a prominent speakerthroughout the year. Photo by Michael Bass. Dr. Don Shackelford receives a plaque during chapef[rom Dr. Burks. Shacke?ford s plaque was to showappreciationforhis work in !he orga11ization Qf lecturesh ip week. Photo by Michael Bass. - Tim Stanley Bible --------r=:=- 133 Academics