1993-1994 Yearbook

Alulllni, Parent Relations Prolllote Special Prograllls The Office of Alumni and Parent Relations has been an integral part of the University Relations division at Harding. Dr. Jimmy Carr, assistant to the president, and Doris Coward, assistant director of alumni relations, coordinate many events involving alumni and parents of current students each year. According to Coward, the office is responsible for keeping alumni records updated and for printing an alumni directory every four years . They also provide academic departments with current information about their graduates. "If the English department calls us ," Coward said, "and they want to know how many English graduates we have living in California, I can not only give them the exact number, but I can also tell them what city they live in, what street they live on, and what their telephone numbers are. " Coward, who compiles alumni information for inclusion in Harding magazine , said she maintained an active file this year on about 27,000 graduates, making sure they received each issue of the magazine and information about class reunions and other items of interest. "There are approximately 5,000 graduates who are classified as 'inactive ' because we are no longer able to contact them, " she said. "Basically, these are people who moved and didn't leave us a forwarding address. When materials are returned to us as 'undeliverable ,' we try to reestablish contact, but that isn't always possible. " Parents' Weekend and Homecoming were also planned and coordinated by the Alumni office. "We usually start in March, trying to make plans and preparations for the fall," Coward said. The office is assisted by Harding Hosts , about 20 students who are selected to work with alumni and parent programs . 126 - Russell Miller Dr.jimmy Carr, asistant to thepresident, discusses homcoming plans with Don·s Coward, assistant director of alumni relations. Car also directed Elderhostel activites. Photo by Michael Bass. RegistrarRon Finley works to ensure that classroom schedules are accurate. Photo by Michael Bass. Administrative Directors Academics Zearl Watson, director of student financial services, assists a student with financial aid information. More than $24 million was awarded for 199394. Photo by Michael Bass.