1992-1993 Yearbook

evening's lesson with Dr. Bryce Hoberson . Devita members meLrogethcr on Wednesdays for home Bible studies at various facu lty members' houses. Sigma Theta. 1st row ( I to r ): Ca thl een hultz (pres ident). Barbara Turnl'.r, DaLynn Clayton (facu lty member). Heather Knox. Sanely Long, Amy Tess, Melissa l~obe rso n . Linda Evriclge (facu lty member). 2nd row: Nata li e Hendri cks. Dawn Chapman , Marla Miller, Ch ri sty Tucker, Trish Frazer, Jenni - fer Ves t. 3rd row: Helen Lambert. Tamara Grigsby, Jo Ann Smith (counselor) , Christine Shain , ancy O'Bri en. Shanna Mozeko . Tammy Kocian, A.]. Grimes. Devita students grow academically and spiritually Functioning as a tool of the Biology department, Devita was one way for students interested in science, especially biology, to get together and learn more about God's creation and their fellow classmates. Dr. Bryce Roberson, a professor of biology and sponsor for Devita, summed up the main purpose of the club by saying, "We wanted to help students with an interest in biology, especially those majoring in biology, and to assist the students in developing a better interaction among themselves ." Serving as officers for this year were Julian Davis, Matt May and Keny Burke. In hopes of fulfilling the goal and purpose of better interaction among the biology students, the officers planned many activities for Devita. Their main activity was getting together on Wednesday nights for Bible study. According to Julian Davis , president of Devita, they studied RichardWright 's book, "Biology Through the Eyes ofFaith." Davis said they studied this book because it approached biology from a Christian perspective. Alan Evans keeps a close watch on his exr c rimcnt. The members o f the ChemistryClub spent a lot of time in the lab during the yea r. Another big activity which was new to the club was the production of the Biology Department newsletter. The main content of the newsletter was articles featuring the various seminars done by the biology majors. Devita also met several times to discuss journal article reviews and broadened their knowledge of the biology field. Other casual activities included in Devita 's busy year were cook-outs and volleyball matches against the chemistry club. Davis said the main purpose for Devita 's existence was to build relationships between students and teachers. He said, "In the field of science not many people are Christians , so it is important to develop Christian relationships. We need to build relationships with other Christians involved in science, and that is Devita 's focus and the purpose behind all of our activities. " -Jim Watkins and David Jacobs Organizations 91