1992-1993 Yearbook

1993 Petitjean Dedication Dr. Bobby Coker In a university with Harding's standing it isn't uncommom to find professors and academic leaders of the highest quality. But once in a while, you will come across a person whose character and leadership ability are outstanding and make an obvious difference to many people. Dr. Bobby Coker was one of those leaders whose top priority was to make Harding University a special place that fully ministered to the needs of the students. Dr. Coker, a native Arkansan, received his B.A. from Harding in 1956. He received his M.Ed. from Arkansas State and holds the Ed.D. from the University of Arkansas. He also served on several state education boards. Dr. Coker joined the Harding faculty in 1968 and has served as a professor of education and dean of the School of Education since 1977. Harding University has been fortunate to have Dr. Bobby Coker as one of the driving forces behind its success. top left: Dr. Coker's great enthusiasm for teaching is very evident in his classrooms. The cl assroom was often a place for growing, as well as learning. top right: Lending a helping hand is only one of the many ways in which Dr. Coke r shows concern for his students . Interaction between student and instructor created a bond that is unique to Harding. bottom right: Dr. Coker listens intently in chapel. Many instructors came together with students in a daily time of worship and devotion. 4 Dedication