1992-1993 Yearbook

64 Academics La , ·on Ca ner looks over test papers in his Organizat ional Behavior class. Ca rter ce lebrated his six teenth yea r on the I l arding facul ty. Randy McLeod and David Tucker talk '\\'ith prospecti ve Pi Sigma Epsilon members ar a beginning of the year mi xer . Business facul ty se rved as adv isors to se, ·era l bus iness fraternati es on camous. Don Diffine a.k. a. Neardl y Greenback discusses the season during a Christmas chapel presentat ion. Diffine sen ·ed not onl y on the business facu lty hut also as the Director of the Beld ing Center. David L. Alle n , M. B. A. A'si,t:1nt l'rofl'"or of .\ ccounting Philip A. Brown, M. B. A. A..,..,hlant l'rofL·.-.,..,or of \n:ouming Lavon Ca rte r , M. B. A. f\...,:-.oci:tlL' Profc:-...,or of \Lln~tgl:'mcnt Curtis Cleme n ts, M. A. A.......... b1 ~1111 PrnrL'":-.or of ,\ ccounting Don Diffine , Ph. D. l'rnk."or of Economic-, and Dirl'ttOr. Belden Ccntn for Pri,·atc Enterpn'l' Eduu11on Mike Eme r son, M. S. Assi .'>t:1nt Profes.,or of Accounting James R. Ferguson , Ed . D. Associ:1 tc Prok."or of ,\l :ll'kl'ting and \ l anagement and Dircuor. '>mall llu'inc" lns1i1utt: Shannon Houtro uw , M. S. E. Ins tructor or Computer ~nence Robe rt). Ke lly , Ed . D. l'orfl-ssor of Bu-,inc." Fduc.11ion and D i rector. llusine" and Office Eduu11on and Dircctor. Busine" .ind Office Education Ra ndy McLeod, ] . D. Ass i.s t:int l' rofc.'Sor of llusincs.'> :ind Associatc lkan of thl' School of Bu'>lnl'"