1992-1993 Yearbook

.\lath Instructor Hon Pacheco begins to explain probkm numh<.:T three in his Elementary Statistics class. Pacheco .-..e1Ycd as an examp le or a Harding graduate \\ho no\\· teaches in the ,\ l ath and Computer Science Depa11men t. Art studen ts Korie l{ohertson and Alan \\ hite show olT unusua l h;1 ts they made as pan of an an project. \\ 'hether it \\ ·as an shm\'s or per.-.ona l displays . art studen ts ,, ·ere ah,·ays " ·i ll ing to :-.ho\\' oil their \\ ·ork. 0 d - Scott Ragsdale helps l ay \\'ith ;1 p rogram in a computer science 8 class . A long w ith teaching in the class room. Hagsdale also served as :; assistant Bison footba ll coach. /. Stephen A. Baber, Ph. D. l'rok"or ol CrnnputcT 'oliL"ncc· Timothy B. Baird, Ph. D. ,\...,,1...,1.1111 Prok...,...,<>r of Compu11..:r :-icic...:n<.:L' Harmon C. Brown , Ph. D. i'rok"or ol ,\l.1thL"lll;l11c' Alva Gene Dugger, M. S. . \...,...,oc1~llL' ProfL-...,...,or of ComputL·r ~cic...:ncL· .111d .\l.11hc·111.11ic' Deborah G. Duke, M. S. E. ln,1ruc1or of \l.11'1 Bill W. Oldham, Ed. D. Pn>fL....,...,<>r <>I \L.itht...·m ;.11ic..., Ron Pacheco, M. S. ln .... 1n1Llor ol Computc..·r ~Lic...·ncc Dean B. Priest, Ph. D. D"11ngui,hc·d i'rok"or ol .\l.11ilL'll1"lil' Scott Ragsdale , M. S. E. Jn,1ruc1or ol ,\Llil1L'111:11ic' Stephen W. Smith, Ph. D. Prok'"'r of ,\ J:llhL'lll:llic' Travis Thompson. Ph.D. :\ "t...,<>c..:1.llL' Pn>fL-...,...,<>r <>f .\ l.11l1L·matic ... Academics 61