1992-1993 Yearbook

60 Academics Math and Art Utilize Computer Skills T\\·o very import3nt departments continued to excel this year at Harding niversity. The ~irt department continued in its tradition of the \Ye kly a1t shows featured in the Stevens Art Galle1y. New to the art gallery this year ~'as a cornputer art show exhibited in the fall semester. Don Robinson, chai1111a n of the depa1;rnenr said. "One of our goals this year was to get more computers for the art students to use. The gallery sho~· was successful and we ~' ant more emphasis on computer-generated ait." Also new to the gallery was a sho~· in the spring semester done by local high school a1t teachers in White County. Robinson said, "Last year we exhibited art from local high school students , but this year we \-Va nted to focus on their teachers.·· Other activities in the department included trips to major art museums and to see special exhibits, such as Napoleon Bonaparte 's an sho~· in Memphis that was visited by Daniel Adams, M. F. A. .\ ...... i..,1~111 1 Profl'.., ....<>r o f A rt Gregory Clayton , M. F. A. , \ "' 'l.tnl l'rofe"or of \ n Joh n E. Keller, Ph. D. \ " ou.lle l'rok"or ol \ n Susan Knight , B. S. ln,1ruc1nr of An Paul M. Pi tt , M. F. A. Don D. Robinson, M. A. the a1t tudents in the spring. The department also submitted a plan for a new arr galle1y to be built sometime in the next five years. The math and computer cience department also had a , ·ery eYentful semester. Some of the computing students went to a state computing and programming contest, where they competed against 13 state chool ·. Harding's team won fir ·t and econd place, and then ~·ent on to win fifth and sixth place in a regional competition again ·tan even larger number of tate ·chool · and other private uni\·er ities and colleges. Dr. teve Smith, chairman of the .\lath and Computer Science Department, set a goal this year to integrate the computer a little more into the math program. He said, ..E, ·enrually I would like us to hm·e a computer language that the math students could use. I think it ~·ould benefit them to be able to use a computer for some of their math projects." - David Jacobs