1992-1993 Yearbook

flTAfS Assoc iate Professor o f poli t ica l science lark El rod and h is son A ll en enjoy a snack at a Titans soc ial cl ub mi xer. The facul ty at Harding mac.l e it a prior ity to mi x school responsibili ties wi th fami ly !i fe as \\'Cll . English Pro fessor Eugene Undc.:: rwooc.I discusses map plans \\'ith I larding students during the Hurricane And re.::\\' rdicf efforts. faculty as we ll as students put aside academi cs for a few days to help Lou isiana victims. n English Pro fessor Larry Long talks with a Harding student at the Alpha ~ Chi induction ceremony. Long served as a sponsor for the Harding ~ Uni versity Alpha Chi chapter. Rodger Lee Brewer, Ph. D. A"ociate Profe'>'>Or of Engli'>h Pris cilla Ann Brown, M. S. E. fn,tructor of Education and Engli'h Ken Hammes, Ph. D. A"ociate Profes>or of English Alice K. Jewell, M. A. Professor of English Larry R. Long, Ph. D. Profe.,,or of English and Di rector of Honors Program Duane Mccampbell, Ph. D. Pmfe'>'or of English and Philosophy Dennis M. Organ, Ph. D. Profe"or of English and Chairman of the Depanment Charles Pittman, M. A. Profes"1r of Engli'>h Eugene nderwood, Ed. D. Profe.,.,or of Engl i'>h Ray Wright, D. A. A"ociaie Profe"or of English _J 53 Academics