1992-1993 Yearbook

Shirley Boyd, M . Ed. Adjuntl J1i-11ut1or o r Ccrm:1n Ava M. Conley, M.A. l'rofc-,sor or ~pa111,1i D o ro thy S. Wright, Dr. de l 'Univer site' Professor ol French Winfred Wright, D r . de l 'Univer site' Dis1inguishcd l'rofc"or or French and Chairman or 1he lkpan111cn1 A\·a Conley, professor of Spanish, instructs her students in proper pronunciation of the language. Conley tra\'elcd each summer to Spanish countries on campaign work. Holly Robertson helps Lori_lohnson read one her fan)rite hooks. "Cinderella." Robertson served as a student clinician and \\'Orked with local youngsters in rhe speech and hearing lab. Mike James (far left) assists students Rich Ross, Marcus Grayson and Eri c Morgan , during a te levision production class. This wasJames' first year hack from doctoral stud ies at Flo rida State University. _J Academics 51