1992-1993 Yearbook

Departments Provide Varied Services With a ll the acti vities involved in the adve rtising, communi ca ti o n s di so rd e rs, foreign languages, journalism, public relations, radio/ television, a nd thea te r ma jo rs, th e Communications Department experienced one of its busiest years . The thea ter majors spent most of their energies in the fa ll semes ter pre paring for the Homecoming Musica l, "Fiddler on the Roof' and the studentdirected play "Watch on the Rhine", which was taken to the Ame ri can Co ll e g e Thea te r Festiva l (ACTF) to compete in a state competition. During the spring semester there were also several student-produced plays that were very successful and gave the theater students even more practical experience. Mass communica ti ons maja rs were busy with such activities asMass Communication Day and the Alpha Epsilon Rho (AERho) Broadcasting Society Regional Convention. The AERho Regional Convention , held this year at Ha rding , also p rov ided the members of that broadcasting society with several presentations from successful individuals in broadcasting, as well as a chance to enter some of their audio and video works into competition . Communication disorders majors were assisted in selecting g ra du a te sc h oo l p rog rams through a Graduate Schools Fair in the spring. Stude n ts invo lved in fore ig n la ng u age a n d interna ti onal studies majors , panicipated in many activities through the French and Spanish clubs. Ave1y special activity took place in the foreign languages depanment that helps spread God 's work not only to Harding students, but across the globe. Every Wednesday night a Spanish devotional was held fo r Walton students, followed by training sessions for students going on Central American campaigns. -- Dave Jacobs Louis F. Butterfield, Ed. D. Assoc i:lle Pro fessor of Communica t ion Morris Ellis, Ph. D. l' ro fes., o r of Co111 111 uni c lli on Steven Frye, M. A. Assistant Profes"ir of Communicuion Patrick H. Garner, Ph. D. Professor o f CommuniGll ion Kay Gowen , M. S. J\.'si.,tanl Profc.,sor of Commun icat io n Mike James, Ph. 0. Assist:tnt Direc1or o f Commun icat ion Di rector o f T \' - 19 C. Robin Miller, M. F. A. Assi., 1an1 Prof essor of Commun ica ti on John ff . Ryan , Ph. 0. Professor o f Communica t ion and Chairman o f th<.: Oepartmeni Daniel C. Tullos , Ph. 0. , CCC-SLP Assoc iate Professo r of Communica tion Beckie Weaver, M. C. D. Ass i-;ta nt Pro fessor of Communication ancl Supc r" isor of Communicllion Disorders Clini c >- 0: c re ~ -I