1992-1993 Yearbook

Lou ise P:1ce . associ:1te professor of social " ·o rk. inter:.icrs \\'ilh srudenrs ar the beginning o f her afternoon cl :1ss. Faculty \\'ere often seen helping studen ts \\'ith their academic and socia l needs. Kelly Smith. from New Braunfels. Texas. cuts o ut a pattern in her sewing class. The core home economics classes equ ipped students ro r , ·a rious careers in that profession . Terri Lehmann works at getting a hem straight at the sewing machine. Horne economi cs classes al lowed students the ability to test their skills \\'ith hands-on experi ences. Pam Clenents, M. S. W. , L. C. S. W. J\'shtanl Professor of lkha\ ior;il Science' Ken Hobby, M . Ed. \ ..........ociatc ProfL'..,sor of J>...,n:hology Kathy Howard, Ed. D . J\"ist:inl l'rofc., .sor of Heh;11·ior;il Scic·1Kc' Dwight Ireland, Ed. D . A...,:-.oc i:1tc ProfL'-.,:-.or of p...,yt holog) Lewis Moore, Ph. D . Profc.s.sor of P.wcho logy and Di rector of Coun,eling Louise Pace, M . S. S. W. A"oci:itc Profc"or of Socia l \X 'o rh Walter Porter, Ph. D. Profc"or or P.sycho log\· Terry Smith, M . S. W. , L. C. S. W. , A. C. S. W. Director of Socia l \X 'ork Program and Assis1:111t Professor of Soci:il \Vork Jack D. Thomas, Ph. D. Professor of Psychology and Chairma n of the lkpartmL·nt Billy D . Verkler Profe...,..,or of ~ocio l ogy Academics 49