1992-1993 Yearbook

Mike Williams , director of admiss ions, ta lks with prospective students during the Homecoming "Big 10 Blitz. " Wi ll iams helped lead the admissions team to another record enrollment this year. Don Shackelford and Carl Mitchell listen atrentivcly to a speaker during lectureship chapel services. Shackelford, director of l larding niversity in Florence , helped insure HUF students a profitable international experience. Jimmy Carr, receives a hug from Renee Alley after a fa ll chapel. Carr provided valuab le leadership to administration and students alike. Frankie Mitche ll Director. I luman Re"HllTl' ' Lewis Moore Dire( 1or or Coun,eling John Nunnally Din.:c1or or Comru1er and lnfornu1ion Sc1Yice., Harry Olree Direnor of A1hle1ic' Robe rt Ree ly Dirt:Clor of 1lw C:enl er for .~lan:tgcmen t Excellence. A''ocia1c· Dircctor of the Amcrican Studic' ln,1i1u1c By ro n Rowan A"i'lant \ ' ice Pre,ident for Finance William Ryan Director of l'hy,ical Plant Servin:'> R. Donald Shackleford Director of I l arding Univer,il\ 111 Florence Suzanne Spurrie r Libr:1ri:1n Zearl D. Watson Director of Student Financial '-cn-icl''> Mike Williams Director of Admi"ion' David Woodroof Director of Educnional ,\ledi:1 Cen l cr Academics 45