1992-1993 Yearbook

34 Academics Leaders SetAgenda for Students Dr. David Burks, president and Dr. Clifton L. Ganus , Jr ., chancellor , are not only re pectable leaders who have phy ically improved Harding, but they are men who have directly and indirectly helped student make a place for th msel ves in this world. As Dr. Burks ended another y ar a president, · he could be remembered for his building improvement . However, Dr. Burks said, "The buildings are phy ical thing made of brick and mortar. The important things are the people here at Harding. " Dr. Burks was more pleased with the relationships that have dev lop d between the tudents and the faculty than he wa with the remodeling. He said, "I am thrilled that we met a capacity enrollment this year of talented tudents and a talented faculty that works well with the e tudent . That is what makes Harding succe sful. " Beginning in the fall of 1993 a two-year ma ter's degree in family therapy will be offered. Dr. Burks said, "This will enable tud nt to leave Harding a o ffi cer at the fa ll induction ceremony . Dr. anus al\\'ays protrayed a humble spirit. certified family and marriage counselors. That is an area of mini try that i in dire need of worker ." In addition to thi new master 's program, a doctoral degree in Biblical tudie will be offered at the Harding University Memphi campu . To make room for these and other changes , construction of a new Bible and World Mi ion building is planned. Chancellor of Harding, Dr. Clifton L. Ganus , is also concerned with helping others. Hi tarting of the Walton Program was just one way he ha helped students make a difference in this world. Dr. Ganu aid , "We started the Walton Program in 1985 becau e the late Sam Walton approached Harding with a plan to help the people of Central America. He wanted to counteract their communist education with American education about democracy and the free market. He chose Harding as one of the schools to do thi .·· -- Dave Jacobs Ganus gi ves encouragement to Larry Ri chmond during footba ll practi ce. Dr. Ganus w as o ften se n cheering the Bison to vi cto1y.