1992-1993 Yearbook

Makirrg Our Place In The World It has been written that change isn't something you fear, but something you relish. Each day of this year brought new experiences and friends that became dear and invaluable to us all. While trying to make a change in the world can't easily be accomplished by a single person, many people working together can reach their goal. The time you spend in college can be looked upon from many different views. What you get out of it depends on what you put in it. Life is much the same way. We can't expect the world to be a wonderful place unless we make a positive contribution and give back some of what we have been given. We must grow and learn and experience all that we can now and then take that knowlegc and spirit with us into the future. Many people working together can make a change and leave a mark in this world for God. --Tracey ] ohnson Editor-in-chi f top left: Ste\'e Sewell studies on the front lawn during a sunny day. The front lawn 1xm·ided a place for studying and recreation for man y students. bottom left: Students wa lk by the Bell Tmver on their '\Yay to class. The Bell Tower was a monumelll that kept Ha rding's tradition alive and in the memories of many students. top right: Troy f os te r looks p leased with the Bisons' a thl et ic abi lity and effort during a footba ll game. The Bisons were a source of pride and accomplishment fo r Harding niversity. Closing 319