1992-1993 Yearbook

Homecoming Week Proved to be.. . A Change of Pace / A. nticipation filled the air as activities were sch duled lfi for Hom coaling week, one of the biggest events L......-....... of the y ar. Even though there were a host of act1v1u planned for the alumni, it was a pecial time for the tudent body a well . The tudent A ociation decided to xpand the c lebration into a week of fun for the students. This week wa d dared 11 Sadi Hawkin Week, 11 and the girl were gi n opportunitie to ask the guys out to free events pon or d throughout th w ek by the S.A.. "Harding's horn coming was unlike any other homecoming that I hav been a part of,J' said freshman Ja on Burt. "It was very exciting and impressive to ee tud nts really g t involv d. The highlight of my week was the mu ical. 11 Fiddler on the Roof stressed the value of good tradition , which ar an int gral part of Harding. Hundr els of tud nts and alumni packed the tands at Alumni Field for the annual Homecoming game complete with the coronation of the queen and a halftime performance by the Thundering Herd marching band. The Bison won the cont st against UAM 29-14 . Wh ther at the ballgame, costume parties, devotionals or other v nts, th campus became unified around the Home oming theme - "sentimental journey." -- cott Baine The case performs in che I lomecoming Bob Ritchie ponrays che lead. Te, ·ye. in che !i1Usical. Fidd/er o11 the Roof The ::,ho\\' ran musical. Fiddler cencered around idea: of Thursday chrough Satu rday. tradition in turn-of-the-century Ru sia. 24 Stude nt Life