1992-1993 Yearbook

Student Campaigns Help... Spread the Word Hui arding's commitment to servanthood has led its students to become involved in missions. I . ·• I Students journeyed around the world during breaks from school to spread the joy of Christ. Junior Rich Little , a veteran of two campaigns to Australia said, "As Christians , we have an obligation to serve our fellow human beings. When we serve people, we become like the hands and feet of Christ. " Junior Diadra McGregor went to South Africa. She said, "I was able to see God work in ways I never thought possible. He took what little we had and made so much more out of it. " Peter Epton spent spring break in Haiti working at an orphanage. Epton said the trip made him "feel thankful " ·and he regretted that they couldn't stay longer. Campaigns were moving and beneficial. Little said he attended Harding because of campaigns . "If it weren 't for Harding students coming to Australia , I wouldn't have come here and my father would not be a Christian. It is difficult to say who gains the most from campaigns-the students or those they visit. Campaigns allow students to realize how God has blessed his people. " --Laura Lynn Gary Becky Pruitt, Janet Todd and Ann Vincent Matt Mellor bapti zes a local in Guyana , tour Rome after their German Wo rld South Ameri ca. These mission trips helped campa ign. Campaigns offered benefits to spread the \ ord of God. all those who took the chall enge. Student Life 23