1992-1993 Yearbook

Maryland Student Adjusts to Small College To"W"n At Harding , the state of Maryland is best known for being the home of Sharon Walker, a senio r human resources major and a member o f Chi Omega Pi . ·' Ir a lly like my home, and I wish more people knew what a great place it is," Sharon sa id . "It' s very mountainous and scenic, and there's hundreds of histori cal landmarks all ove r the place. Washington D.C. is only abo ut 20 minutes away from whe re I live , and I'm only a two-ho ur drive away from the beach , which is nice . Also, we have the Baltimore Orio les and the world champion Washington l~ edskins to chee r for. "It was ha rd fo r me to adjust to living in Searcy because I come from such a heavil y populated area . There are several large cities close to home. and we live abo ut two minutes awa y from the biggest ma ll on the easte rn seaboard . I ca n 't dec ide whether or not I like the fa ct tha t there arc so many fewer people in Sea rcy. ·· r liked h:_1ving access to a lot o f acti vities and events at home . I remember skipping school in 198-l to see the Reagan inaugura tion , Mo nica Kimbre ll - I lunts' ilk . AL. Social \fork, Ko Jo Kai. Cheerleader. .J unio r Cla's !'iecreta1y, Kappa Tau Omega Queen, Dean\ List , l lomecoming Queen Anemfant. In1rnmurab. Social Wo rk Cluh, SA Secre1:1ry, SA Commiuee. Studen t l111p:ic1. \'i " ' · \>; 'ho·, Who. Marty Kindall - Dublin . Ohio . Suclfl l Scie11ce. Tr:.in,fer • tudem From J\lich igan Chri,tian College. College Republican, . D<'an ·, Li,t , Intramural, , Phi Alpha Theta. Sam Adams Club. J ason King - Fon Wonh . TX. Psych o /of{) '. Chi Sigma Alpha. Alph:i Chi , Ameri can ::itudie, , C.1111paign' 011lie:1't & :'\onh\\'est. Tri Sigma Delta Beau , Dactylo logy. Dean 's Li t. p,j Ch i. SA Fre,hman Cla'>s Repre, entat i\ e, SA S\udenl Lecture~h i p Commiuec, Tentmakers, Student Impact , ~l'ho\ \X' ho, Phi Eia Sigma . Marsh all K.iJtg - .'. l inden , LA . ,\/a tb. Kappa Tau Omeg:t (AD). Ameri can Studic,, College Republica ns. Dean 's Li't. lntr.1murab. David Kirkbride - levebnd , MS . /:'/e111e111an• l:'d11ca t io11 . Knights. Band . Ka Re Ta Beau, Dean 's Lbt , lnframur:1b. Intercoll egiate Athk:1ics. Kappa Delta Pi , Who's Who. Tamm y Kodau - Ra)~ O\\'n . .\10. ,\'11 rsi11g. Th o 1nas Ko lle r - C 1rl .Junction , MO. Sale.· Hco110 111 ics. 2~1)~~~'ik't'.;~~i1~t~~~~ : Pi Sigma Ep,ilon. Tri Kappa lkau, Stacy Charles Kymes - Hou~lOn . TX. Acco1111. t i 11g , Pi ~~1lJr~s .Et~i11~~: 1~:i~il~~i'~ ~~·~~1~~~~~~ · L~f1I)e~~~i 1'1 ~110~\ ~:1,11 Intramurah . Pi Gamma Psi. Resident As-.is1ant , Stuclen1 lmpac1. Paula La ird - N. Lilli e Rock , AR Ma 11 t1Re111e11t Allison Lambe rt - Saraland, AL. t.Je111e11 ta0· t.'d11ca t io11 . Christine LaJtgsto n - .Jal , Ni\ 1. TJiete/ics. Regina. AHEA (St :ll e O ffi cer for Arkan"1s), D i etet ic~ . SA Spirit u:d Life Comminee. Studen1 Impact. 206 Seniors Seni o r Sharon Walk er pauses a moment to pose fo r her pi ctu re ror th e yea rbook . She \\'as a featured student from the Washington D.C. area. and there are alwa ys tons of political rallies and conventi ons go ing on . Also, D. C. has so many famo us landmarks that we could go see, like th e \V'ashington monument , the Lincoln memo ri al, the White Ho use, etc. I dic.ln ·t appreciate all that growing up , hut I 'Ure do now. .. On the other hand, I like Searcy because the re are a lot of nice houses everywhe re. Eve ryone in Maryland and D. C. live in a 'model ' house. You know, a home that comes in a kit. It ge ts kind of monotonous driving around loo king at the same house everywhere. Also , I like the small churches around here, because everyone is so nice and polite and makes an effort to get to know you. "I also enjoy the winters down here, because they' re so warm. Winters back home can be terribly cold, plus we get a lot of slush on the ground . But then again, our summers are a lot cooler than the hot summers they have in earcy." When ask d whe ther she would move back to Maryland after gradu ati on , Sharon was noncommittal. Tm not sure at this point. I'm joining the service after I graduate to help pay fo r my master's degree, so I don 't really know whe re that 's going to take me. But ifl ever get a chance to be stationed the re, I'd jump at it . Afte r all , it 's home! " - Ryan Gjovig