Senior Turns Tragedy into Successful Life Tinea Louise Wi lliams, whose name means "Christian warrior," has been fighting for dignity most of her life. At age six, Tinea \\ 'as badly burned in a house fire. The same fire killed her mother and two brothers , and put a wall between her and her father. Twenty years ago, Tinea 's blind mother woke her in the middle of the night to tell her the house was on fire and she needed he! p to get out. Fire blocked the main exit, and the other was nailed shut. Both mother and daughter tried to remove the nails, but were overcome by smoke and fumes. While they \\'er unconscious , Tinea' grandmother kicked down the door and dragged her out of the room. Her mother and sleeping brothers perished in the flames. Aft rward, she spent almost a year in the hospital. Her father had a difficult time handling the stress and grief, sG Tinea didn 't see him much. But her grandmother spent every night in the hospital with her. Tinea became depressed when, because of the po sibility of infection, she was not allowed to attend the funeral for her mother and brothers. For a long while, Tinea wanted to die so she could be with her family. But she gradually began dealing with her grief, and developed a strong faith in God. Her faith helped keep her grandmother strong. Looking back, Tinea said she wou ld not change her situation , except perhaps to make it even harder because the closeness she has with God has made it all worth it. Faith is something that Tinea grew up Tracy Childers - Collier\'ille. 'r.\. ,Harkel ing Kappa igma Kappa ( \ 'ice-Pre,icknt ), American Marketing Association. Club Beau (Tri Kappa). Dean·, Li'it. HUF. lntramurals, SA Comminee <Homecoming). Stu<lem Impact , \X'ho's Who. Pi Sigma Epsilon. David Christian - Detroit , 1\11. Accou111i11g . Mary Beth Christian - :\aslwille, TN. Markeli11g, Ju Go Ju. Ame rican Marketing Association , JOY. Pi Sigma Epsilon. Amy Churchill - \X.'hite Ri\ ·er Junction. \ T. I fume Eco110111ic Child Del'elopnumt Janet Clark - Perkinsville. VT. Elemenlmy Ed11ca1io11, Ddta Gamma Rho (Vi<.:e-Pre~icknl), lntrarnurab. Kappa Delta Pi, A Committee (Entertainment). Teach. Who's \Xlho Jonathan Clark - Tyler, TX. Special Educalion, Pi Kappa Ep<.ilon. Carnpaigm <Spring Break) , Dramatic,, lntramurals, Teach, , tudent Impact, Vi.,a. CEC. Mary Clark - Searcy. AR. Business Ed11catio11. Ray Clark - Madi,om·ille, KY. . lfedicine. 198 Seniors her sto1y to Cami Parsley while visiting in the Heritage Lobby. Tinea shared her tragedy wirh many people so they could feel more ar ease around her. with. he was born into a Christian family in 1966 in her great-grandmother's kitchen in Tany, Arkansas, at 8:00 on a Sunday morning. She said her father was wonderful, and her mother was "the best example of a Christian woman I've ever known. " Tinea honed her Christian life at Harding. A senior majoring in social work and mis ions , she decided at the age of 10 that she wanted to do mission work. She had seen a televi ion program spotlighting Mother Teresa , and decided she wanted to serve people in the same way. When she became a Chri tian on November 19, 1986, she decided to use her communication skills to show Christ's love to others. Tinea credi ts God with healing her phy ically, emotionally and spiritually. She used to be concerned with her looks and wonder ifmen would ever find her attractive. God brought people into her life to show her what real love is like. She learned that the appearance of one 's heart is more important than the appearance of their skin. She also learned that everyone has scars. Hers are just more vi ible than most. God has healed her to the point that "I usually forget that I'm burned. " When people stare, she assumes her hair or clothes are disheveled. Tinea has learned that life is worth its struggles. She said, " othing in life that's worth anything is ever easy, becaus the easier it is , the less it means. " This "Christian warrior," in experiencing her battles ,has come out a winner. - Melissa Forrest