1992-1993 Yearbook

Galaxy Enjoying the benefits of a small club, Galaxy moved to strengthen its ties for the 1992-93 school year. Galaxy came to the Harding campus in 1947. The club took 25 new members in 1992, making it 50 members strong. Galaxy members appreciated the closeness they were able to maintain with each other through the small club etting. President Paul Pursell said, 11 ! enjoyed the looseness in our club. You could be your own man. 11 Tom Gaskins said, "There seemed to be less pressure on us since we were a smaller club. 11 The big event for Galaxy was the Lumberjack Party which was held in Heber Springs in the fall. As a club service project, money was collected for water wells in Ghana , Africa. As devotional director, Kurt Massie tried to encourage the members to become more spiritually involved through more club devotionals. Another goal was to become closer to their sister club Ju Go Ju. Galaxy has used the qualities of a small club to make the most of the Harding experience. z --] eff Goodson g ~ ~ ;:5 ~ Tom Gaskins pl ays ho rse shoes ourside of rhe Music Annex bui lding. P Q This \Yas one of many ~, ·ays ro rak e a study break on campus. o:: Galaxy. I sl ro il': Jeremy D. Paden, Andy ;\eely ,Jennie Overman. Amy troud .Jennifer Moore. 2 nd /'Oil ': Paul Pursell , Greg Simmons. Craig j ohnston. Brad mirh , Jack Boustead . 3 rd /'O il ': Bob Higbee, Erron Huey. Travi s Downs. Greg Waite. Damon Harri s, Alan Pursell. 13. Cole Bennen. 4tb rou•: Russe ll Weseman , Aaron Kite. Jeff Jackson. Robert Vi ctor. Mitch Seim, Curt l ass ie. Jonathan Himes. 5th ro ll'.· Jason Arno ld. Duane Barron.Jason Davis. Wayne ~ Shorter. Geoff Malone. Todd Patren. Teny o Ramos. 6tb rou•: Ma rrin Tabora. Tom :I: 0 Gaskins. Bobby Moore. Andrew Johnson, ~ Jack Ste\-vart . o >- a:i §.. ~~-· 174 Social Clubs ~