1992-1993 Yearbook

--- Football Scoreboard Lane College 39-0 Northeastern State, OK 0-25 Southeastern OK Arkansas Tech UCA OBU Iowa Wesleyan UA - Monticello Henderson SAU Central State, OH Bison Aaron Walters receives the hall and prepares to make his \Vay clown field. The Bisons were ranked 7th in the nation. The mighty Bison herd takes the field pumped and ready for a victo1y which will put them one game closer to the play-offs. This season the Bisons made their second consecutive play-off appearance. 126 Athletics z <t: ~ u i 0 > -< 0 >- co 8 0 ::c 0.. 28-24 14-19 14-19 28-0 21-14 29-14 29-10 26-7 0-34 ,' (/) 5 &: 0: :?'. ~ 2 Q 0: - r Football Team. lsl row(! tor): Chad Floyd (ba ll boy) , ChrL~ Anderson, Paul Maple, Jimmy Sloan, Ryan Derrick , Broob I land!, Richard Holmes, John Turbe ille, Brent Goodwin, Lee Edwards, Pau.I Simmons. Jon Newby, jeb Huckche (hall hoy). 2nd mm Clay lkason , Jason Ward, Jason J>ace, cott Davis, Greg M:ishbum, Kyle Citty, Paul t>1ann, Lorne Lmikcr. Chad Howard, Joseph Walker, Steven Fi1zhugh, 'arh:m /VlelJor. 3rd mu~ Chad Griffin.John Booth, Tommy Bro>vn, Al len T:ne,, cotl Alexander. Michael Mills, Tony Patrick, Casey Smirh,Jamey Moore, k1ron \\'.!alter~ . Brian Cooke, Llo>·d Coakley. Amo.s WashingLOn. Troy Smith,Andre Ru~h. 4tb rou~ Mart Claborn. Ron Sp:1rkman. Bren Reed. Randy Moore. Lee Hobbins. EricHowell, Chris cudder. LavanAleX<inder, R11yTynes,Brian Sallee. Ry:in Burr. B1yan Wansley, James Thornton , D:in.t1y Allison. Brad Beasley. 51/J rou>. Anthony Clear, Jayclee Davis, Michael Garner. Brian French, Michael Stevens . Ron Harding. Ronni.eJames, Marcus Grayson, Brent Morgan. Scott Reedy,Joh11 Perry. Chuck Johnson , Dill Ford, Bryan Reibod, Kyle .Eubanks. 6rh row Ste::ve Blasdd, Barrell Lewis, Marvel May , Jeff Patterson. Eric Peters, coad1es - Harry Starnes. Ronnie Huckebe. Randy Tribble. !..any Richmond. Scott Ragsda le, James Frank, Dr. Jim Citty - Henry flill , Stuan J>roctor, Richard Proctor, Jon l\li.ller, Justin B,mkcr, Chad Mashburn. 7tb row Stuart Hi.II. Clint Emerson, Jnmes Reed. jern1aine Willis, Th:.i<l llill. Hobert .J ohnson , Will Allen. Wesley Rhoten , joey Suifford, Pete Kosko, Larry Harris. Eddie J{y;m, Mike Barine:.iu, John Colvett. OrlandorJoseph, .James Johnson , Michael Anderson, Troy Foster. 8tb ro1c grad. ass' L~. - Pm Gill. Tad , ihlen. Lee White. Wayne Shortt·r. l:mce Proctor - mgr. ·nieo M:1rshall. grad. ass'ts. - Glen Talbot, Gmy Hichcy, Randy Bmnes , Michael Bryant - mgr. Hlhan Randolph , trainc::r~ - Keirh Morrow, Ronnie Harlow. Susan Carroll. Wade fox.