1992-1993 Yearbook

0 > < 0 >- =i 0 5 :r: 0.. Student Impact Enhances ... First Impressions rn hey came on a hot and muggy August day. It was an invasion consisting of over a thousand new students ready for Student Impact. Upperclassmen had been preparing for this day for months. They welcomed the new freshmen and transfers with open arms. It was a special time for returning students and for those who were stepping on the campus for the first time. JuniorJohn Calloway said, "I came back to help with Impact because I knew how important it was to me to get to know the upperclassmen and my fellow freshmen ." Impact was definitely a time to build friendships , strengthen_existing ones, and reassure those who a were still a little homesick. Freshman Jennifer White said, "Impact helped me get comfortable with people before the routine started. After Impact, I had no doubt that I had made the right decision. I love it here." Student Impact left impressions on all who participated. That is why so many returning students made the effort to come back. It created special memories. Whether from the Gil Eagles show or the water fight or the Bee Rock devotional , Impact was a time to develop relationships that will last a lifetime. --Laura Lynn Gary Impacte rs gathe r at Bee Rock for a night devoti onal. One of Impact's main goals was to get new students oriented with the spiritual focus of Harding. Junior Jeff Connor is drenched in mud at the wa ter war. Thi s was just one of the enrertai ning activities planned throughout the week of Impact. 8 Student Life