1992-1993 Yearbook

Harding's jazz band causes a stir Jon Sterling and Je nny Adamson belt o ut a tune during a chapel perform~1nce. The Jazz Band pe rformed often fo r the st ud en t body. Funky, fun, stimulating, exciting and soulful. These are words used to describe both the Harding jazz band and the music they played. With 16 returning students and two new faces, the jazz band had a prosperous year. They started the musical year off with a performance at the Musical Showcase on the Friday evening of Parents ' Weekend. They played a variety of music, ranging from "Whatever It Takes" and "Undecided " to "Coffee and Castanets. " They also accompanied the husband and wife singing team of Johnny and Kim Scott. It was a spectacular debut for the jazz band. The band also performed in chapel on Friday before Thanksgiving break, as well as for their annual Christmas performance. Spring Sing was kept alive between club performances by the energetic and animated sounds of the jazz band, the annual highlight of the year among the group's numerous performances. The jazz band was once again in the capable hands of Dr. Warren Casey. When he was not directing the group , Dr. Casey added to the music with his own clarinet. The Thundering Herd sti rs up the crowd at a pep ra ll y. They helpe d pump the crowc.Js up at the p p ra llies and the football games . Thundering Herd. 1,t rm\ <I to r >. Alli""1 FlorerKL'. Shu-hui .Jen . ,l e'·'il':r Runkle, Ca ro li ne Fieklc·r. T:r111111y S:rll cc. lk ., irc·c· f{cc». T:1111111 y \ ':rughn . je:,sica Clark . Vi cki Ri chard,on. Shcrccn 1lcnry. Tiffany Che'1cr. /\my Stanley, Colby Ca nt<: rbu ry. Gknd:1 C.rston. 2nd ro\\' : LL·:rh l \;rrher. Wend y Fu ller. Paula Garroutte. i\l ;rry Ell en 0\\ en,, Stepl1L·n \\ illi:rm,, I leat hc·r Elli' . Ann:r Clerm:nts, /\my Mu rphy, /\my I \a\\'kins, l khhie I i;rwkin.,. llen Wiles. Lis;i Fauth , Ta111:1r;1 Spence r, :'\ann· llellcock. .)rd ro\\ ·: 1le:rther ,\ JcG laughlin. Sonya Korneg:r y. Robin l l"ery. Su1.:rnnc· Se ller.'. C: rist:r 1\ lcCart y, Ellen Huffard, L:1ura J{id1:1 rtbon . .J enm· Ad:111bon. ,\ d:r1n Cooper. .J:rmcs Conr:1d . Michell e Cox. Scott l{utherford. .J oe ,\l oorc· . .J ohn Pulk). ·r.rc,· Duhach. Lynn Williams. LC\\·i~ Short. h.e\·in .J c rNlll. l{ yan lliti kofcr. <;con 13,tlrntine. i\lici:t Sandlin , Stuart Iknnett. Ste\ c S\\·:rn. Eric I lru,k,r. Sh.rne Buchert. h.ath) Chambl' rs. Mark i\let~. Ste\ c Bennett. SIL'\ c Cihul:r. lloh l lo:r1. 'ith rel\\ : Gabriel Leonard. Ji m \\ ':rtkin,. Scott \JcGo\\ ·an. Phillip L:rdy111:111 . .J oc ,\il':1dor. Phil Freeman. Ben I lo\\ e. C:r 111 E111eri< k. S< <>tt Sh:1pp:1rd. /\I an '\cshitt. Grady I lowel l, .J ona th :tn St c· rling. h.c·\ ·in ~pr:rdlrng. Greg Ann,trong. 6tlr ro\\: Michael Cu rti ., ,./c'rry I ligg.,. Teddy \\':rnen. Tony ~l:inin, Tr,l\·i, I lan"cn. L) nn Hunt , Mat t i\Jell or. To become a member of the jazz band, students were required to play a selection of music chosen by Dr. Casey. Candidates were given a week to rehearse the selection before auditioning for Dr. Casey. This brief performance gave Dr. Casey the insight he needed to select members for the band. Unlike concert or marching band , the jazz band consisted of a few select instruments. Dr. Casey's clarinet and saxophones - two altos, two tenors and a baritone - were the only woodwind instruments. Four trombones and four trumpets made up the brass section ; and the bass , guitar, drums and keyboard completed the ensemble. Early in the year section leaders were chosen. Scott McGowan was the section leader for the saxophones. The trumpets were under the leadership ofAlan Nesbitt, and Lewis Short was the trombone section leader. The jazz band performed in front of hundreds of people at many different programs , impeccably representing both the music program at Harding and the unive rsity as a whole. - Jim Watkins Organizations 103