1991-1992 Yearbook

"'<:! ':[' 0 0 ~ 0 Qj < a: :I ;:;· ,,. 3 Qj ? ALPHA CHI. 1st row (I to r): Julie Huffman, Chris Ann Quigley, Jennifer Fly, Kristina Smith . 2nd row: Russell Moody, Tyler Cutshall, Tom Duncan and Scott Sheppard. ALPHA CHI. 1st row (I to r) : Melissa Wilder, Faith Seay, Arlene Gibson, Jill Creighton. 2nd row: Jason King, Julian Davis, Lanier Tucker, Allen Plunk, Bill Oldham Jr. and Scott Nahigian. FINISHING UP. Katie Bell and Diane Roof finish preparing an appetizer. Both assisted Patty Barrett in coordinating the Alpha Chi reception in the Olen Hendrix building. ALPHA CHI. 1st row (I to r ) : Patricia 3l Salman, Diane Roof, Anna Conley, ~ Maria Alfaro, Christopher Robinson. ~ 2nd row: Richard Bankhead, Brian ~ Mitchell , Luis Alonso Castro, David a: Flores and Alcides Viquez. :I ;:;· ,,. 3 Qj ? 92 ORGANIZAT~